Hillary is mighty Nixonian these days. She lies about her “experience” and say’s she’s sleep deprived. On three or four occasions??? Scripted and over many months? Then Bill comes out today and says, “Come on, y’all. This isn’t tough, you haven’t been in a presidential race before. This is just a little dust up. If you can’t take a lil’ ol’ skirmish like this……” Charming Billy. God, I did fall hard for that man when I didn’t know him. Than sadly, I got to know him too well. Yes, the early Clinton years, those were the most prosperous time in my odd career as an aging barbie. I even had a stock portfolio. Those were the days, before Hillary messed it up with her opaque approach to single payer health care for all Americans. She is stubborn about letting us know what she’s really up to. She could have had help, it was offered, but no, Hillary knows best. Then when the vast right wing conspiracy was investigating every aspect of her life, she stonewalled releasing papers. It kept the fire raging to know what she was hiding and why. I got real tired of it. And after Monica, et al, things just seemed to trail off into pardons for Bill’s criminal friends, and packing.
I do not want any family to become a political dynasty. If your daddy was president, become a great governor and retire to write a book about your daddy. No more sons, or wives of former presidents. Instead, if you are so ambitious and inclined, become the Speaker of the House, and make sane laws, but do not run for president. We have an excellent example of the reason dynastic presidencies are a very bad idea currently occupying the White House.
Hillary is just the kind of stubborn fighter, the kind who holds a grudge and never forgets anything, (except her memories) who would keep a hit list. She has surrounded herself with questionable advisors, people I don’t ever want to have to see interviewed on the evening news again . I am so sick of Mark Penn, Howard Wolfson and Terry McAliffe.
Talk about Rovian. This trio is Rove tripled.
Now the big monied insiders, the real muscle within the Clinton machine is trying to strong-arm Nancy Pelosi. In a letter these Clinton insiders sent to the Speaker of the House, they issued a thinly veiled threat. Back Obama and lose our support. You will regret it, seems to be the real message of the letter. You will really really regret it. Is Pelosi about to be added to the Hillary hit list?
Subtle, Innit?
4 hours ago
Utah, you forgot James Carville.
Oh no, don't remind me, my head will explode.
This will blow your mind if it doesn't explode your head. Guess who came to dinner at the White House in 1998.....
By the way, Vigil, where were you during the hooker discussion? Madmike was the only man with the nerve or something to join us.
You're off-topic Utah.
not so, think Bill, think Eliot, the Mayor of Detroit, Larry Craig, Pastor Haggard. It was certainly on topic. It's just that the women get real emotional about the topic. Not me, but the other women. By the way, K's back.
Come on, now... Rovian? I laughed out loud, and not in a good way. If she had anyone Rovian, she would have slam dunked Obama by now.
Funny... you and others often say that he is so far the winner and are so aghast that she has not bowed out (even though this is exactly what the primary season is for). Do you know ABC did a story with DNC Chairman H. Dean, and he said that whoever loses will lose with 49.8% of the vote... Its not smart to divide here. Do we want 4 more years of Bush (McCain), or do we want change?
Also... the other day you called Hillary a man in a pink pant suit. You said you did not understand the point of J and my paper presented in the Pop Culture Conference in San Fran.... you just hit on our point. The only way women seem to be able to have any real power in this country (or in film) is to usurp male roles.
You say you want a female president one day... well, baby, it ain't gonna be some sexy looking, trollop. We relegate those to objects we want to fuck and then disregard--see our other threads.
K, I'd rather she were Eleanor Roosevelt, not exactly a sexy babe, but Hillary is not as nice or warm or smart or effective as Eleanor. Hillary is manlier than Bill. She has that same stubbornness I so hate in certain men. My way or the highway. My rules and fuck the rest of you. She went to speak before the leaders of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy--can't think of his name right now--and brought up the Rev. Wright comments. Odd place to do it, odd time to do it. What's in it for her? It will not get her the nomination. Why not take the high road? Why not tell those right wing repubs to go take a flying......
Oh, boris, that was a great find. Yes, Utah, Eleanor Roosevelt! Sorry, K, I'm not a Hillary fan. I AM a K fan! Great comment.
I too am a K fan and don't want to piss her off, or make her feel ganged up on. Hers is a strong and intelligent voice. I greatly value it.
Dworken is a writer I read in the seventies. Still have several of her books. I have been called a neofascist feminist nazi pig. And that was from a youngish male friend. I'm not all that naive or uninformed, just not a fan of HRC.
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