I'm in my mid-sixties and I'm not shocked at all about Anthony Weiner's sexting. Frankly I've never known a man who didn't like phone sex or some kind of virtual sex. It might be my generation. We are the generation of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll, so why is someone like Chris Matthews acting like such a prissy, childish, clueless, moron about it? Unless Weiner was sending pictures of his naked, erect penis to underage girls it isn't a crime, unlike most of the bullshit that Vitter and Ensign and so many others on the Family Values Right have carried on without anyone calling for them to resign. The Left tends not to wrap themselves in the lily white sheet of Family Values Purity so when they do something stupid like this it doesn't reek of hypocrisy. Let the House Ethics Committee decide what it wants to do with Anthony Weiner. Then let the voters of New York decide what they want to do with Anthony Weiner. I'm betting he stays. New Yorkers tend to be pretty sophisticated about such nonsense. It doesn't have anything to do with the issues that effect their lives. Only two newscasters have handled it sensibly and they are Lawrence O'Donnell and Rachel Maddow. The rest of you are children or hypocrites.