We finally get to see the dreaded bugaboo of the Republicans--The Domino Theory. Only they more than likely never thought of it in just this way. Well here's your laissez faire capitalism, your free market, and your deregulation gets you jack. And down goes WaMu to be plucked from the trading floor a worthless husk, a name only, one of many dominos.
Washington Mutual to Sell Deposits to JPMorganSEPTEMBER 25, 2008, 7:11 PMLink to ThisE-mail ThisTOPICSMergers & Acquisitions INDUSTRIESFinancial ServicesThe federal government has arranged for Washington Mutual to sell itsdeposits and some branches to JPMorgan Chase, people briefed on thematter said Thursday night.The deal does not include any branches in New York City.Washington Mutual has seen its stock slide nearly 88 percent this year.The firm recently hired Goldman Sachs to solicit potential buyers, andthe list has included the likes of Citigroup, Wells Fargo, HSBC andBanco Santander.While Washington Mutual argued that it has adequate capital, it hassuffered debilitating downgrades of its credit rating over the pasttwo weeks, endangering its financial health.The talks have continued amid heightened concern about all financialcompanies and an intense political battle over creation of a giantbailout fund on Capitol Hill. Washington Mutual plunged into thesubprime mortgage and credit card business over the last few years,and has been ravaged by the worsening housing crisis. Analysts suggestthat it could rack up losses totaling $30 billion or more.Washingon Mutual had struggled to find a partner earlier this yearwilling to inject fresh funds in its ailing business. This spring, itbalked at an offer from JPMorgan Chase to buy the entire company.Instead, TPG, the big private equity firm, led a group of investorsthat made a $5 billion capital injection in April.–Andrew Ross Sorkin, Eric Dash and Michael J. de la Merced