The discussion centers on whether the Justice Department's civil rights division mishandled a lawsuit against members of the New Black Panther Party, which was filed weeks before the Obama administration took office. The suit was focused on the party and two of its members, who stood out front of a polling place in Philadelphia on Election Day 2008 wearing military gear. They were captured on video and were accused of trying to discourage some people from voting. One carried a nightstick.
This is an except taken from a piece in the Washington Post dated 7/14/10 and written by Krissah Thompson
It begins: A 2008 voter-intimidation case has become a political controversy for the Obama administration as conservative lawyers, politicians and commentators raise concerns that the Department of Justice has failed to protect the civil rights of white voters.
Abigail Thernstrom (a member of the Bush Civil Rights Commission) said that she did not find testimony convincing and that the facts of the case raised doubts in her mind, noting that the Black Panthers were standing in front of a majority-black precinct that had voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in previous elections -- not a prime spot for intimidating white voters.
There is nothing more disgusting to me than hearing whites complain that they are being discriminated against on the basis of race when they are attempting to deport every brown person in this country who wasn't living here a hundred years ago and has a birth certificate and passport to prove it when they're asked to show their papers to some beefy red faced jackass with a gun strapped around his bulging belly who calls himself a teapartier and a patriot. Frankly I'm ready for the uprising of all of us with some native or African DNA to deport all those racist idiots. I'm so sick of them and their fake indignation over "illegals." You are all illegals in my book. My DNA dates back three thousand years of living on this continent. Go fuck yourselves, you lilly white idiots. Go back to the Old Country wherever that is. Get a job cleaning someone's home or gardening for them. Then you can start complaining about how good things were in the USofA when you were the boss of everything.
On This Day In History Malcolm X Was Assassinated
10 hours ago