Please go to Swiftspeech! Stella’s marvelous site. There you will find the text for Barack Obama’s beautiful speech today. If you can’t find Swiftspeech on your own, go the comments section on any of my posts, find Stella’s intelligent and insightful comments and click on her name—that will lead you to her.
I am not worthy, U.S., but am indebted, as always, to No.&nbs;44 for transcribing Obama's magnificent speech.
He rocked the house.
Yes Beach he did! Even the master of bloviation, Chris Matthews was moved and impressed. It knocked his socks off. "Most important speech since Lincoln." That was said by Chris Matthews today.
It was a great speech and cemented Obama's lock on the Democrat nomination.
I, also, was blown away!
the Wizard........
P.S. Utah, I've added your site to my "favorites" (which I strictly limit to 26 (I have no idea how I chose that number), so another blog was deleted in your honor). :)
As I said at The Vigil, it really was a great speech. Even conservatives like Charles Murray at the National Review have called it "flat-out brilliant."
Of course, people like Sean Hannity will still keep droning on about "black separatists," and Rush Limbaugh will still keep trying to pigeonhole Obama as "the race candidate," but what I think that this speech did was remind the public at large about how juvenile the Hannities and Limbaughs out there really are, and how counterproductive and condescending their rants have been. It's a must-watch speech.
Samuel, fuck Hannity, Hagee, McBush, and Limbaugh (sounds like a law firm...) They are sooooo 20th Century.
Obama's speech showed Americans that he's got the ability for great leadership and is clearly presidential. I'm convinced. Obama '08.
Wizard, U.S. is a great blog of fame. Bravo for adding it to your special links on your great site.
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