Where do the Clinton’s get these guys? Harold Ickes is a weaselly looking man, who is whispering in the ears of any greatly connected democrat he can corner. Oh god the thought of that just made me shudder and mouth-puke a little. Sending in the thugs to stir the tiny amount of crap they have on Obama—his pastor said bad things about America, and he can’t bowl for shit, man. That’s it??? Well, let’s all take a bowling lesson, and spend some time in a predominantly black church in America (hell, go to the grocery store and you might hear a little grousing about what is being done in the name of America that shames us all, right now). Go anywhere this Sunday and talk about what makes us proud to be Americans.
And as for the Clinton’s and the company they keep? Well, less said the better, or I really might lose my cookies. But she is bleeding super-duper-delegates, slowly but inexorably. Now Ickes is looking for a fix. Shudder.
News That Will Drive You To Drink
2 hours ago
As much as I believe that Clinton is our woman... the person who can beat McCain, I will take a moment to speak in defense of injustice where I see it.
Unlike many, just because I favor one candidate does not mean I will kick the other opponent when they are down or revel in other people denigrating them. Ah, if only both sides (Obamacans and Clintonites)treated each other in this manner.
So... What happened to Wright and Obama is a travesty. First of all, even if I did not agree with Wright, he has every single right to say anything he wishes. Shit, if radical conservative religous zealots can go in before a big election and tell everyone if you vote for Kerry you will go to hell, then certainly Wright is allowed to comment on social injustices as he sees them!
But the second thing thing here is, Wright was right. Every single thing he said was true (or at least the snipets I have heard). Is it hard to hear? For some maybe, but it was the truth. He spoke his (and many people's) truth. How dare anyone else tell him he is wrong to utter what he feels. And really, how dare anyone chastise Barack for where he goes to church or for not leaving when he disagreed with a sermon. Oh, thattttttttttt's right, I forgot. In church, you must agree with every single thing spewed out. No civil compromises or dialoguing. My way, or highway.
Do I think Obama probably agreed deep down with what Wright espoused. Sure. At least I hope he did, for then I can see myself rallying around him even more if push comes to shove. But even if he did not agree with Wright, I respect that he did not let a disagreement let him act like a pompous, self righteous asshole... the very kind of actions ironically that has led people to hate us and pledge to "teach us a lesson."
I said it before on other posts. We reap what we sow. We don't want to hear things that upset us, so we bury our heads, blame others for everything and never look/reflect and change what WE need to change to make relations better.
I love Hillary Clinton. I will not veer from who I think is the best candidate, but if and when she loses the nomination to Barack, I will gladly embrace someone who does not stab allies in the back and listens to others, even if he disagrees.
Brilliant! This is the K I know and love.
Even if you aren't looking for it from me, Mack, I have new respect for you.
well said. not a fan of the clintons, particularly the X president. backstabbing your own teammate is disgusting, even kobe bryant knows that.
[and thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comment.]
Ickes is a slimeball in the vein of Mark Penn, in which both could very well be hanging around the nearest schoolyard, in search of the latest political conquest.
Ickes and Penn just represent to me the "old" ways of doing stuff. There is absolutely a moral requirement that candidates play hardball since that is the game they have entered. But these guys are all about the "dirtyball" and it makes me shudder to think we could have more of it, only worse, because it comes from a Dem. Gaaack.
The only thing is, everyone, we played really nice once. Remember John Kerry?
And the Republicans... they are willing to play as dirty as it takes to win... even if its stealing the election or getting it soooo close it aches for days.
I never ever thought about playing as dirty as them until Kerry lost. I mean, who on earth could lose against a retarded asshole? Well, if you play dirty enough, even a retarded immoral criminal can win. Again and again apparently.
So... I am torn this time around. I love the concept of winning with hope and positive messages, but in the end, I just wanna fucking win.
Who do you think knows how to play dirtier if that is what it takes? If the fight gets nasty... who can clean McCain's clock?
ANSWER: The very person you bash incessantly... Hillary Clinton.
I just want a democrat in there giving us what we all deserve (the items we have enumerated countless times here)... and I go on record again and again... I do not think Obama can win against McCain. I hope I am wrong since it looks like he will probably be the nominee.
When it gets nasty... you gotta have a champ on your side... even if you dislike some of the punches she has thrown in the past.
In a world where democrats stick together once the nomination is won, who do you think can play dirtier hardball the the Clinton Machine? They did not campaign with enthusiasm for Gore, or Kerry. That crap's got to stop. All democrats must come together behind our candidate who ever he or she is. If the Clinton's do not do this, we should remove them from our collective memory banks.
K saidThe only thing is, everyone, we played really nice once. Remember John Kerry?
And the Republicans... they are willing to play as dirty as it takes to win... even if its stealing the election or getting it soooo close it aches for days.
I never ever thought about playing as dirty as them until Kerry lost. I mean, who on earth could lose against a retarded asshole? Well, if you play dirty enough, even a retarded immoral criminal can win. Again and again apparently.
While you raise a valid point, both Clinton and Obama need to focus their contest between each other upon qualifications and authentic issues. Then then need to join in ravishing McConJob, not each other.
There is something wrong with our democratic voting process when the outcome of an election could hinge on how many times Harold M. Ickes can pressure a superdelegate to return a favor. We listen to the candidates' positions on the important issues for months and then choose one we feel is best qualified to be president. But in the backrooms, operatives such as Ickes work their magic, calling in chits and favors to close the deal on promises from the superdelegates to vote for his candidate, making our votes worthless. This is where change has to start.
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