Oh my god, I’ve fallen in love with a female blogger. I’m going to offer to sell my house and take her and her two Jedi to Mexico. She yearns for a warmer climate. Me, I’d rather go to Canada, because I heard they give health care to anybody who needs It, and god knows I need it. But if it’s a warm climate she wants, OK.
I kind of think that between Scarlet and me, we could probably even squeeze out a living writing snarky shit for fun. She has two Masters Degrees. I’m so dumb I’m not sure whether you have to capitalize Master’s Degrees or not, but I’m so impressed. One question, Scarlet. Why not just one Master’s Degree and then get a PhD. ? It’s like, every time I hear a perfectly smart woman say she’s going to get a Nursing Degree I want to ask, “Why not the MD?” Oh, who cares. Scarlet, start packing.
Dcup, darlin’ want to come?
Subtle, Innit?
4 hours ago
Scarlet is an old blog friend. Isn't she a trip?
No, Canada is fine with me! I'd rather go to Canada. I only meant I would need a warm place if I were, like, living in a Neon. I, too, am in need of health benefits.
The Masters' degrees.... I started telling that story and decided to write a post. So, there you go. Another post coming up.....
And isn't that Tomcat a sweetheart?
Hey TC, wanna go with us?
You need a driver?
Hey, no moving in on my Empress.
Off with Thine Heads!!
Do I get to sleep in the middle? ;-)
I think you two should go with Petro: after all, he's got that huge Hummer.
But god, how would we ever live down the embarrassment just being seen in a Hummer. And what kind of message would this give to the Jedi.
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