I just completed my weekly outing. I am back from the grocery store, and have strawberries to put on my Cheerios, and today I was not the only person bitching about the cost of everything. I, who speak the worst spanish in the world, was able to help an old woman with a nina in tow, try to understand the questions the very unhelpful technician, about to withhold the prescription, was asking her in loud, slow English. Abuela gets the drugs! The Underdog strikes again!
Everywhere I went I found someone holding the thing they wanted or needed and shaking their heads about the cost. We discussed food shortages, and the fear we feel about this government. We talked about resistance and it's costs in this atmosphere. We talked about what we were going to do with our rebate--everyone says, pay back taxes or buy gas. Discontent is rampant. I'm not alone. And all this collective discontent cheered me up immensely. While I was in line waiting I looked at the covers of the tabloids and learned that Hillary has a hot young lesbian lover, lots of photos. Ummm!
I came home to find Chris Matthews trying his best to strangle Obama with his egomaniacal pastor who has gone before the Press Club to give another inflammatory interview. "He's an albatross! He'll kill Obama. Obama's toast now. He's unelectable." And once again I scream at Matthews, "Shut the fuck up you fat-headed asshole! You know jack-shit. You wish and think it makes it so. Childish prick, simpleton!"
I feel ever so much better. My psychologist called and said he'd talked to my vacationing psychiatrist and she'd given the green light to boost me back to my normal dose of antidepressant.
Reminder: Turn Your Clocks Ahead Tonight!
1 hour ago
Ae man, wouldn't you know it; I finally get into the spirit about my stimulus bribe check, hearing their mailing 'em out all early, only to discover because we filed under my husband's SS#, which ends in digits in the nineties, we are going to have to wait until July to get it. Oops, that was going to be June and July's rent. I suppose that's what I get for counting on the governments for something.
They'll fuck you any way they can.
For some reason I've been seeing a lot of those flex-fuel SUV's lately and I wonder if any of those owners realize that part of the problem with the rising cost of food is because farmers all over the world are growing crops for bio-fuels and not for eating.
Yeah, Matthews who at best I can tolerate has long ago digressed to the point he turns my stomach.
Shit Utah! I feel better knowing that you felt just as I did when you saw the Mathew's piece!
Mike, so glad you don't hold a grudge when your women friends wade into their shit. I have visited some of the male bloggers and warned them that a pissed off woman was ranting at my place. You just made my day.
I cannot watch Chris Matthews. He's such a colossal idiot that his voice makes my brain cells commit suicide in protest.
start the revolution now
I love how you yell at Chris Matthews!! He SO deserves it. And yet I guess the obvious question is why people like you and me, who see through him, and who (mostly) detest him, still watch him. Every day. And on Sunday too!!!
And I agree, he was up to some very serious assholery yesterday with the Wright thing. With these guys (meaning the pundits) everything has to fit into a little caption (or, as in David Gregory's show, a "Headline") when in fact that reality is far more subtle. But punditry is not, and never will be, about subtlety. It's about people with zero tolerance for nuance and very tiny attention spans.
But overall, it seems you had a pretty decent day.
We have a TV here at work that's on CNN, and lo and behold, what are they still babbling on about? OMFG REV WRIGHT IS ALLAH MUSLIM KILLER BARACK OSAMA MADRASSAH. Because he's, you know, controversial.
I didn't see anything about the high prices of food. I'm sure that's in their top 457 things to talk about list.
Everywhere I went I found someone holding the thing they wanted or needed and shaking their heads about the cost. We discussed food shortages, and the fear we feel about this government. We talked about resistance and it's costs in this atmosphere. We talked about what we were going to do with our rebate--everyone says, pay back taxes or buy gas
You forgot making a payment on the credit card. It's a real mess!
They are paying for their food with credit cards, TC. I think they figure the banks will fail and fuck the credit card companies who have been fucking them for quite awhile.
I forgot to mention that when I read this yesterday I developed a craving for strawberries. So, I spent a good hour and twenty dollars worth of gas but the strawberries were great on those Cheerios!
Obama '08
Just zipping by... feel your pain with the neverending Wright=Obama=Black!!!! thang...
We can't vote Obama cuz he's too much muslim, but we can't vote Obama cuz he's too much christian, too!
I told you all so.
I said it over and over a month ago. Obama will not win against McCain. Would I want him to? Hell, yes. He would be a fine president. We would be lucky to have such an honorable democrat.
However, Hillary (besides being a great candidate) is the only person who can beat John McCain. Unfortunately, people hear me and think I am not showing support by saying this, however, I am just stating what I believe to be the truth (not what I want to be the truth).
Sadly, I saw all this coming. Did you all read that nearly 20% of polled Penn voters admitted they would not pick Obama because he is black? And those are just the ones bigoted enough to admit it to another human being. Did you all see the church sign Bill Maher showed last Friday on his HBO show? The sign equated Obama and Osama. You think when push comes to shove the Republicans won't friggin pounce on this racism and run with it causing bigger rifts? Oh, they will have a field day.
I have heard people... people I thought were sensible and kind spouting hatred about how if Obama gets in there he will just help out his people and ignore the plight of white people. Some see him as pretending to be "white" but really waiting to poof up his afro and join a new league of black panthers or some other utter bullshit.
Racism runs deep. I would love him to win for many reasons; for one, it would be a great flip of the middle finger to bigots, but the fact of the matter is, he will not win.
What you have been seeing with Matthews is only just the beginning. Matthews has a hard on for Obama, LOVES him, so consider that and the fact that no republican has sharped their fangs on Obama yet... not really. Its gonna get ugly.
And one person has shown she can come through all sorts of ugly ON TOP. Hillary. If you want to win in November, its time to get real serious and support her instead of tear her down.
Ms. Savage, maybe your antidepressant comes in a spray can dispenser? So you could spray some over Chris Matthews, and lift the depression off the shoulders of his listeners? And save some to spray over McKiernan and lift the depression from your readers, too!
Good idea, Food Blogger! And save some for that guy/girl who took over SwiftSpeech. That Number 44 guy. He depresses me. Spray some of Utah's stuff on him and you will lift my spirits, Man!
Utah, I think they are paying for food with credit cards, because they fail to realize their living standard has been stolen and have not faced the need to cut back, or because they are hungry and cannot eat at all, otherwise.
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