I have heard from a male reader that he is concerned that I am taking him on a trip he finds--how to say this delicately--inappropriate. I could change the subject, go back to writing about politics, or ignore his concern and carry on. But, the truth is, I don't want to lose my male readers. So, what to do? Really, until we move past Pennsylvania, there isn't a hell of a lot to focus on. Yeah, there was the theater of the Patraeus, Crocker show, but it was so predictable that I couldn't get too excited about saying much. Besides all the male bloggers are very focused on the General and the Ambassador. So what's a girl to do? My actual life is too damn uneventful to write about. And frankly I don't care much about China and the Olympics. Until we put our own house in order, what business is it of ours to chastise China for something they did in the 1950's? China is a bully? This is news? Give me a break. My only concern about the Olympics is that a friend of mine is working with one of the news organizations covering the Olympics--she does make-up for the on-camera personalities covering the games, and has had this gig for decades. It's been a fabulous travel opportunity for her. Have powder-puff, will travel. In this way she has made some big bucks and seen the world, racking up some impressive frequent flyer miles. So for her safety I am concerned. Other than that, not so much.
We never seem to care about the real atrocities happening in many parts of Africa. We have turned our backs on the Palestinians--their plight is not in our strategic interests. We have tied ourselves to Israel for better or worse. Nothing much to say about that. It is the third rail of our foreign policy. As one of native American descent, I see the Palestinians in much the same light as I do my own ancestors. But I'm not entirely stupid. It's not real smart to take on Israel.
Subtle, Innit?
4 hours ago
it's important to keep the boy's interest.... halleluja
Yeah, Savage, why not keep on pandering. What you do best? Yuk, yuk.
Oh shut up again, petro!
that's not exactly what i was suggesting Petrosexual... you know... "pandering".....
Utah has written some very interesting biographical material and apparently one of her male readers was feeling uncomfortable.
i thought maybe some boys singing Leonard Cohen's "halleluja" might make him feel more comfortable.
the song has a kind of soothing quality and the male reader might not be embarrassed anymore.
Utah obviously didn't want to alienate anybody with what she was writing...... and she writes about other things to, so it should be no big deal.
but hey! maybe you like this one Petro! i was thinking about this song because Utah was talking about her Mother and Father and this is kind of a more masculine adolescent seething..... rebellious and threatening reaction to real and perceived abuses and injustice:
i think its a real rocker...... "Mother..... do you want to bang heads with me....." fabulous just fabulous!
Ghost dansing shall be rewarded. Fuck you petro, you snarky little shit.
Petro, do you even know what pandering means? After all, it's a three-syllable word. I rarely see you write any word that sophisticated.
ghost dancer, I followed you hame. This is not doubt to be my undoing. Can't seem to resist a man with an intelligent and witty line. But your site, while dashing and smart--meaning I agree with you, is impossible for the likes of one so techno- challenged as moi to post a comment on. So, I hope you came back and continue to flatter me here.
Sorry, can't even spell right in comments on my own site. Meant to say followed you home, not hame.
Petro, before you even think of saying a work, just shut up.
If the truth makes someone uncomfortable that is their problem. Women never tell their truths because the men can't stand it. Well I say it's time the men learned some truth about what it's like to be female in this society, this great country. You know, the land of the free and the home of the brave? I am angry that once again the men are telling a woman to shut up because they can't stand to hear, or read, the truth. What you do on your blog is up to you Utah and if you want to keep men coming back maybe you can post the truth less frequently if you like but don't shut up entirely because that wouldn't be right IMO.
Savage, that should be "word". You're too drunk to spell a 4-letter WORD.
Petro, just shut the fuck up.
hmmmm..... i wonder why people cannot post comments on my site..... i thought they could....
i ought to post a new picture and article soon.....
Petro, your shallow mind is a dry gulch that contains nothing. (-yawn-) So. Very. Dull.
Petro sniffs gas, I'm thinking.
The answer is simple, UT. Write about what you want to write about. It's your blog, girlfriend.
Utah, I find your posts always interesting and thought provoking. I will always be a reader.
Beach, That just might be the sweetest I ever read.
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