This is my nine year old Rottie/Mastiff/Shepherd mix who spent his nine years in a shelter. This is his first dog bed. He has three of them now, and he hates to leave the house unless it's the morning ritual, or I have a leash in my hand and my hat on. Cyrus loves his little house.
Subtle, Innit?
4 hours ago
I rescue felines and one dog I took from an abusive neighbor that beat her daily. After I had the dog, I called the cops and told them he dealt heroin and speed with two little children living in the house.
He is doing hard time. My Sasha is still scarred and is afraid of men and loud voices. But her big brown eyes will melt me in a minute and because of that she is getting as big as a fucking house.
He is beautiful.
Oh, I love him. Can I have Cyrus if you decide you've given up on dogs? He's got a gorgeous face.
Cyrus, your expression says everything I've ever thought about politics 08 style!
I notice he is sticking his tongue out at us.
He looks very pleased, very happy to be where he is.
I can see why he doesn't want to go anywhere. He has arrived!
Cyrus sleeps with his tongue hanging out.
lol no shit Utah?
So does my current spouse ;)
a beautiful thing you did, Ms. Savage. I have three rescued cats, one whose ear was cut off and he has a pin in his leg that someone broke. he was found in shock in a parking lot and was brought to the vet's office where he lived in a cage until we adopted him.
another cat has diabetes and I give him a shot of insulin everyday. we call him the $10,000 cat because of the health problems he's had.
my cats are the most spoiled cats in the world, the mongrels. if I did not want to travel to india so much, I would rescue a dog (used to have a big ol' black Lab), but they are higher maintenance than cats....
oh he is so good that you gave him a home...he looks to be in heaven...( I bet there has been a burger or two since he came to you too)
Cyrus looks like he is thinking, "What the fuck are you looking at?" Luv it.
Ha! Wotta cutie!
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