It was a bad news good news kind of week for me. My shrink gave the Ok to put me back on my "normal" level of antidepressant. That cheered me up no end. Didn't fix the creeping depression exactly, but that takes a little time. But now I have this whole new array of "heart" drugs and I don't know what's making me feel this way. Maybe it's Hillary's fault.
Lately I've come to fear her about as much as I fear John McCain, George Bush and Dick Cheney. She has become the ten headed hydra. A new face for every little media market. In Pennsylvania she became the "daughter of Scranton," drinking boilermakers with the boys. She claimed she could bowl--thank you Ellen for putting that lie to bed. Yesterday, not paying close attention because I'd rather read your blogs than watch the "news shows," I heard her sounding like a hick from Padukah, talking for all the world like trailer trash. It was just background noise, but still, it set my teeth on edge. I started screaming "Wellesley Girl, Yale Law School, former First Lady sounds like trailer trash! OMFG! Who is this Hydra!" She's really starting to scare me! Wants to OBLITERATE IRAN! And no one in the "news media" has asked her to clarify that statement from the last debate, tossed off in a brief lull between why Barack doesn't wear a flag pin and some other inane bullshit questioning his patriotism.
Why aren't we talking about reinstating the Draft, if we want to put obliterating Iran on the table? Why is this conversation off the table?
Subtle, Innit?
4 hours ago
Why aren't we discussing the draft?
Because the politicians know that will be the beginning of the revolution.
It would make the 60s look like a friendly disagreement.
Todays self centered career politicians know it would be political suicide to even suggest such a course.
It would be the common sense solution to our current dilemma. Can't have that.
I understand that the politicians don't want to discuss this, but why doesn't the press want to ask the pols these questions?
It freaks me out every time I point out to my wife Hillary's ability to "reinvent" herself, as my wife says, does not show and honest face to the world. She in turn just marvels and exclaims how she is the best prepared to run the country. My skin crawls every time my wife gets this worshiping look on her face as Hill speaks. Yeah, I fear Hill as much as Bush, Cheney, or McCain.
I think the answer to Utah's question is that we no longer have journalists in the press and media - just stenographers. I. F. Stone warned about this decades ago.
Anyone who even thinks about comparing McCain to Hillary has a screw loose. Come on. They stand far far apart on every single topic that matters to any of us democrats.
And Beach Bum, your wife is right. Hillary's ability to be "everyman" is what will get her elected. We can roll our eyes all we want, but look at history. The elitist looking candidates don't friggin win. The last huge loss, 4 years ago, taught me that Reps are better at framing the debate and clinching the deal.
Hillary is smart enough to know how to as Audre Lorde put it: "use the master's tools to dismantle the master's house." If you want real change, you are going to want the person who can win. Period. Stop crying about HOW she does it. Be impressed that she CAN do it.
One more time, everyone... Reps have unleashed on her for more than a decade and she still stands... strong, capable, and determined. She wins most large and electorally rich states...
Obama has lost huge ground with just tiny sucker punches from his old minister. He will never withstand the demonic Republican party.
Think end game... be glad someone knows the rules and knows how to fight and win. Or else we will lose all the fuck over again in November.
The reason for no draft talk--political suicide.
Its a noble question... but one that will never be pressed upon anyone. It needs to be pushed to all the people who steal our children away from us to fight stupid, idiotic, immoral wars. They set up a system of poverty in America and then are silently grateful the poor have no choice but to serve.
Can you even imagine our self centered young populace putting down their ipods, turning off their internet porn, and putting others first... because the government told them to. HA. That would be priceless. And, we would see the end of war talk.
MCK says The elitist looking candidates don't friggin win.
Nothing personal, MCK, but every time some one uses those words - 'elite' and 'elitist', I roll my eyes. I guess that's because I'd pick an elite candidate over an elitist-looking candidate, every friggin' day of the week.
Check that: It is personal.
One think I have to say is that there is no comparison between Hillary and McConJob. To this point, I've stayed neutral, because no Dem is as dangerous as he is.
All you gotta do is listen to what "the people" say... and even though I think Obama can be in touch with the American people and I applaud his honesty, he comes across elitist... just like Kerry did. That is the #1 people said... they could not relate to him because he was an elite, windsurfer.
Don't blame the messenger VIG... no one ever said I agree with what people say.
I am unimpressed with your response, MCK.
"Messenger"? "Messenger"? K McKiernan , I mistook you as a wanna-be pundit! A thinker! And now you tell me you're just a STENOGRAPHER? Excuse me. I have to go somewhere and get my credulity index checked.
I have a long history of voting and trying to elect Democratic Party hacks into the White House. Starting with Hubert Horatio Humpreys in 1968. He was the worse. A liberal, but a hack. I know a hack when I see one. In 1992 Clinton was a fresh face. (Even so, he lost Congress two years into his two terms.) In 2008, Hillary is not a fresh face, any more than Kerry was in 2004. He was and she is a plodding, blundering and thundering hack. God help us if the super delegates select her. It'll be one more year of "Goodnight and good luck America."
You all are a bunch of cry babies. Someone holds you to what you say... and then you try to unleash some sort of condescending fury on them.
So sorry you are unimpressed, Vig. How depressing that I was not able to live up to your standards. Thank you for holding me to task, dear Boris.
MCK, you've made it very clear. You want to elect some one you could bowl with. Or go out and have a beer with. I understand what you're saying. I'm saying the American people have enjoyed that experience for the last eight years and I think they're ready for a change. A change, maybe, in their own paradigm. If that's not too elitist a word for you.
Boy, you are old... senile in fact, ole Vig boy. I never once fucking said I want someone I can bowl with. I said I want the person who can win... OTHERS want someone they could have a beer with or feel they could "get to know"... whatever.
And that you would say Clinton seems like the type to have a beer with or bowl with... ludicrous. She talks a little more plain edge to people. She also does not upset the racists as much as Obama does. Do I like ANY of this idiocy (voting with beer in mind, bowling in mind, or race in mind)--fuck no. I was writing (with no one apparently listening) about how it is that he will lose against John McCain... how Hillary could beat McCain.
Here it is simply said for the feeble-minded.
*I think Hillary or Obama would make fantastic candidates.
*I would support either one with a joyful heart.
*I would love to see sexists or racists suffer no matter who it is who would be President.
*I would like to see America care about all the people who live here, and not just those with money.
*I would support Hillary first because I think she has a better chance against McCain.
Get it now? See if you can keep up.
I don't bowl you old codger. I also don't like people twisting what it is I say, taking away merely what they want to hear, or patronizing me.
Hey K, I love your visits, but when you resort to name calling I don't like that so much. Vig is not senile, and there is no one condescending to you here--we simply disagree with you.
Don't humor me....
Its ok for you to curse at him and call him names (it has not been that long ago... do you really forget)?
Don't lecture me. I will say what I want, when I want.
So much for female solidarity. Or, maybe, rather, you enjoy people patronizing and twisting MY words. Maybe your beef is with me... not women in general.
K, I'm a feminist. I have no beef with women in general, only with women who call people visiting my site calling people names, unless they have done something really egregious. Disagreeing with you isn't egregious. You may not like it, but it doesn't justify name calling. You are certainly free to say what someone says stupid or pompous, or dumb. What one says may be stupid, but that doesn't necessarily mean the person herself/himself is stupid.
Saying that I would vote for someone I'd want to "bowl with" or "have a beer with" is a lie and is stupid. It was also delivered with all the condescension the commenter could muster.
But since you want me to use your language, here goes:
What you and what Vig have said about me and my supposed position is pompous and dumb. It seems that it is easier to mischaracterize people and their points than it is to really listen to them.
MCK, If I seemed condescending, it was for a reason. You were responding to me in your comment on May 5, 2008 5:23 PM. In that comment, you gave me no reason to know if you followed up on my links in my previous comment about "elite" and "elitism". The links were there for you. Now, you could have followed them, read my recent post on Elites and said it was all rubbish. That would have been okay with me. But not to have acknowledged them was, to me, demonstrative of a desire on your part not to engage on issues. So, am I supposed to take you seriously? (Go ahead, call me another name.)
Utah, thanks for your support. I am, as you know, a sensitive guy.
Some people grade papers until 3am, and then wake up with three kids by 7am.
I cannot look at each link a person gives me each time they give me one.
I had no idea you were retaliating because I only had a moment to blog. Believe me... if I could sit and play on the computer more, I would. I so so would.
Jesus. Thanks for teaching me a lesson, Dad.
Jesus? A self-absorbed comment if ever I did read one.
Oh my, what was the post about, now? I forgot after I read all the comments.
Wow! This is one of the best discussions in ages. I would not have missed it except that I actually do have a life which also involves grading papers:-) Now, that being said I support either Obama or Hillary (who is ABSOLUTELY nothing like McCain) but I prefer Obama because he makes me feel optimistic. He is no more elitist than the next guy or gal and is not even close to John Kerry, who, despite his "elitism" would have made a much better president than the Bushwhacker. Then again we all knew that.
Finally Vigil, while maybe old, (like me) is not senile; opinionated perhaps, like me, but not senile!
Well that is all I have to say on the subject other than there will not be a draft under Bush-Cheney for the obvious reasons that have been talked to death. Sighhhhh....
LOL! Thanks (I guess!) Mike!
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