Not angioplasty, but ablation. This is the second procedure and will be scheduled when I go to see the Cardiologist next Wednesday. It will require general anesthesia, which is the only part of this procedure that scares me. I don't like to be intubated and all anesthesia makes me vomit. So, other than that, the fact that they ram a laser up your femoral artery to zap a nerve in your heart scares me not a bit. I am perfectly clotted. Not too clotted, and not too clottless. Clotted just right. It's all this clean living. I celebrated by eating ten peanut butter cookies. And chain smoking. Why fuck with what got me this far.
Scott McClellen has made my day, and many to come. Thank you Scott for your gutlessness when it counted. The mothers of more than four thousand dead soldiers will curse you forever. But we, who want to see your ex-boss and all his minions and co-conspirators jailed forever at Gitmo, now have real hope. And John McCain can retire and live off his wife, the beer heiress, until he croaks, which shouldn't be long now.
Subtle, Innit?
4 hours ago
Scott is quite a guy..... i think he was feeling very very used.....
wow...Scotty really did piss on the Repugs today didn't he...oh think he may indeed have been biggest fantasy was that some poor secretary or other worker bee or grunt would come forth Deep throat Style...and spill the beans..I think it is fine that Scotty has spilled the goods...just fine...I can not wait to read soon as possible...he is on Keith tonight....( and I love how the press like David Gergory is all bent out and can not believe he is saying this NOW...) I say Better now then never...
( and to Gitmo for the whole lot of them..wouldn't that be lovely..)
Now about you....take good care...and I will be wishing you the best for your procedure...I hate heart stuff...but we know you have a good heart and the sharpest mind we will send you much good energy...many hugs..
Utah, don't blame the cigarettes and the cookies. Your PTSD is the culprit.
This McLellan fella has all the characteristics of a Bush loyalists: coward opportunist rat who's jumping the ship now that it's destined to inevitably sink. Money's all that talks for this breed, from Bush to this one.
Here's the deal with Republicans and their Corporatist Thinking in their party:
Turn an Issue into an Opportunity.
And it works both ways. Scott gets a book, attention and money. The White House has turned it into "disgruntled employee" and the lap dog press is playing along. The Press, not the Democrats, should be SCREAMING FOR ARRESTS if not Committee investigations into Rove and Cheney based on what Scott has said in his book.
But nope. Issues are Opportunities for these creeps.
Arrests? Why, that's crazy talk.
So Iraq and the American economy and the environment is fucked up. Good intentions, people, good intentions.
Remember, respect the law and the speaker. They won't, so someone has to. Right?
And good luck with your case of doctor-itis!
Where was Scott McClellan when it mattered? I mean, perhaps he didn't get a golden parachute - a book deal is better. I bet he's already wondering who will play him in the movie.
As for your ablation - I wish you well, and will keep you in my thoughts.
UT, I read another blogger who had a cardiac ablation about a year ago. She highly recommended it as an uncomplicated procedure that stopped her fibrillation probs. She's not blogging anymore, but not due to ablation or heart issues. But as to causes, well she didn't smoke, is a vegan & has no PTSD issues, so personally I think it is a crap-shoot. You rolled the dice & got a wonky fib problem.
As far as vomiting from anesthesia, just make sure they have a vomit tub where you can reach it. I've only had one adult surgery, but ended up with huge bruises all over my thighs when, in a semi-sedated state, I flung myself up over those hard metal bed railings to try & reach the bathroom because there was no vomit bucket I could see & didn't have time to hunt for one.
Be sure to request the Scotty book from the hospital library to read post-op. You can use the pages to wipe up stray vomit. ok, only kidding, you'll probably want something more soothing. Wishing you well through your surgery & a quick recovery!
so what's it mean to be gruntled? of course he's disgruntled! used and thrown away like yesterday's trash. but he's a bad, bad boy to them, not loyal at all. maybe he does have a little itty bitty conscience? no! maybe he just wanted to make some money and the book was all he could do and the only thing of value he could draw on was betraying their secrets. but it wasn't as if we didn't know all that shit already, he just added fuel to the almost dead fire so for that I guess I could be a little grateful. but I'm not buying his book--no fucking way ever!
Happy Birthday! Utah, dear! I already believe you'll have a successful cardiology operation next week and send you all good wishes and thoughts.
Like you said, everything you've done so far has worked.
You're right about Scotty, but one thing about McClellan—I'm glad he released this book right before the election. It may destroy McCain's chances.
I don't mean to seem cold: I feel the same way as you—too little, too late. All those deaths for Bush & Cheney's egos, not to mention the destruction of the economy and all those cute little executive signing orders. How many of those are legal.
I have confused you all with the title of my post. The birthday isn't until the twelfth of never, no, no that's not right. It's the twelfth of June. I see the cardiologist next Wednesday, the fourth to see if I'm Ablation Worthy. The they schedule the Ablation. I capitalize the word because it sounds vaguely religious and importantly festive. I'm sure I'll have a happy Ablation whether it is on the twelfth or not. What could be not happy about a good Ablation. Let's make up a hymn about a Happy Ablation.
But Scott, now he da man! Olbermann, my secret lover has a date with Scott, man of the hour, tonight. Can't wait. Get your party clothes on, drinks at the ready or pipe or bong or whatever floats your boat and party down.
And as always, Randal, another man I have a secret crush on, has the best idea of the political season--every time you hear John McCain say "my friends," you get to take a drink. We'll all be in rehab by November.
And I did put up more beef cake at my world.
Hey Utah - I hope you've got someone to hold your hand and bitch to while you're going thru all that crap. I'm sending you my best vibes either way.
My future husband KO was golden this evening devoting his entire show to Scotty-Boy...well, almost all...ironically having John Dean on at the end to comment on the Scotty interview.
Take care, you really chain smoke? So do I! Arent' many of us around for obvious reasons..
I am picturing good health for you - your work here is not yet done.
As for Scotty- fuck him.
I am hoping all goes well for you. Just visualize justice for BushCo. Can you feel the relaxation cascade over you?
Listen Dusty, didn't I make it perfectly clear that Keith and I have a thing going on. Keith favors older women. Sorry Dusty, Keith's mine. Hear me dusty? Mine. Got it? Dusty? You little slut. Give me my Keith back. Waaa. Bitch. She's gone, KO on her arm.
Yes, Dcup I can, but Dusty just stole my man. What the fuck! You hold a little party for a happy Ablation, and along comes Dusty to steal your man. Where's Randal?
Your the one that said he likes old broads. I ain't no spring fucking chicken chica.
Besides, I have had more husbands than you...I know how to get them..then divorce their asses. Not that I plan on divorcing KO mind you...
Both sides are predictably playing up the McClellan book. The left is revelling in it. The right is demonizing the guy. I mean, seriously, you can almost set your God-damned watch by this stuff. Anyway, best of luck. I didn't think that they put you "under" for catheter ablation. I thought they needed to talk to you during the procedure. No, huh?
dusty...just to clarify springa chickens don't fuck....( only the winter ones do...)....and wait one one minute ??? YOUR future husband...KO....ahem...I think Utah and I might have dibs too....esp . since we been asufferin' in gadawful Red States....jus sayin'
( Keith really rocked it tonight didn' t he???wow...a FULL Show on THE
Oh I see how it is. Keith becomes unavailable due to competing interests, and Randal is the fall back guy. Time for a drink, and McCain hasn't even woken up to speak yet.
Ah crap. I missed the KO Scotty special. Will have to watch online.
Good luck on the procedure. Maybe the dreading of it will be worse than the real thing.
Agreed, about McClellan. What a pud! gutless wonders really amaze me; then to make a buck off of his cowardice. I don't know, but he appears a bit gay to me. Not that I don't like gays, maybe just this gay, if he is, that is.
It'll soon be over, we hope. (politically I mean.)
This operation of yours is routine and commonplace. Be not afraid.
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