Only eighteen minutes to go.... Here it comes...
A moment to consider the demographics. Kentucky is the most conservative state in the Union. This Surprises me, I thought it was Utah. But what do I know, I only live here. I have voted in every Presidential election and never had my vote count, so what's up with that? We're not the most conservative? No shit! I feel better already. Ok, what nasty epithet can I call Kentuckians? They make good whiskey. All those years of back woods whisky making during prohibition has really paid off. I'm thinkin' hillbillies. Want to take me on with this one? I could be wrong. Maybe redneck, maybe crackers, maybe a melange of all three. Madmike you do not need to step in to inform me that not all Kentuckians are neanderthals--no insult to neanderthals intended. I know that they are hard working, uh, hard working white, uh, nice hard working white voters, who will probable vote for John McCain in the general election, but what the hell, give it to her anyway, 'caus it's so not going to make a fucking bit of difference.
Reminder: Turn Your Clocks Ahead Tonight!
1 hour ago
The bitch is shoving herself up Ted Kennedy's ass now!
What an opportunist cow!
Ted Kennedy dropped her like a bucket of poop! blahblahblah, now using his cancer to her stupid advantage!
Well said, Utah! I'm sure your demographic analysis is accurate!
Naj, You really know how to sweet talk a girl! I woke up crying this morning and didn't know why until I turned on MSNBC. I have been screaming at Hillary or sobbing. But I hope her Great Win in one of the states that'd I'd bet money on, did the most lynching during those jim crow years--it's just a guess mind you. But it probably isn't an accident that Kentucky has one of the lowest percentages of brown skinned people than any state except maybe Wyoming.
What epithet can you call them? I think you already did. More conservative than Utah. Now that's really saying something. Although I have to say, I spent a little time in Louisville & found it pretty cosmopolitan, especially considering what I'd been expecting.
Interesting enough, Oregon is a very white place too:
It's just that in Kentucky a lot more of them are conservative racists. I also think that most of the people who voted for HRC in W. VA and KY will vote for McCain in Nov. Why? Because they're Republicans! Crossover Republicans trying to knock down Obama.
Sauvage, my new blog fetish :), while preparing the promised Oregon-Praise post, please incorporate this somewhere if you can:
"Some Oregon people are so smitten with Senator Obama that at least one coffee shop has started selling "Obama blend" coffee - mixing beans from Kenya, where his father was born, and Indonesia, where he spent some of his childhood."
Next thing we know are stuffed Obama's sold next to Micky Mouse in Disney shop in the Covent Garden!
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