This is my pick. It balances the ticket in every way. Webb counters the argument that Barack lacks military credentials. Webb is liberal for a Republican and conservative for a Democrat. He has crossover appeal and he reassures the cracker's, the rednecks, the hillbillies, that all important, white, umm, that hardworking white, that rural, gun toting, hard working, whiskey making, I mean boilermaker drinking, hard working white southern, you know who I mean, those nice, hard working, rural, backwoods, white voters.
It'll be interesting to see what the "pucker factor" as I call it, does to the election. That's where all the politically correct get in that voting booth by themselves, and that ole pooper puckers right up at the thought of a black in the white house.
I like this - not sure who my number one for number two might be, but this is a good one.
I'm still backing the "Zaius/Gregarious 2008" ticket. I'll have to make a formal endorsement, now that YOU have gone and done so. Damn.
I agree completely with you ticket. Would love to see Webb chew up and spit out whomever McCain picks as his VP. While I seriously detest Mitt Romney and do not want to see him getting even the VP nomination since that would put him far too close to the White House even then for me Webb would eat him alive in a debate.
He would eat the MIttman and spit him out. UMMm so satisfying to contemplate, my mouth waters at the prospect.
This ticket is perfect (since I can't have Kucinich).
Webb has been a little aloof when asked about the possibility. I've heard from insiders that Obama's staff has narrowed it down to three possibilities - more may be added later. Right now it's Kathleen Sebelius, Chris Dodd, and Ted Strickland. Out of the three, I think I would go with Sebelius because she might bring Kansas into the fold.
I still like John Edwards, but alas, I don't think I'll get my way. So maybe I should hold my breath until I turn blue.
Edwards would be great, but I wonder if he's staying out of politics because of Elizabeth's grave illness. Her breast cancer spread to her bones and she's at a stage IV. I hope they find a cure for her.
I admire them so much, but I can't see Edwards running for office given her grave condition.
Stella, this is crushing news to hear about Elizabeth.
Utah & Beach, Webb would be a great candidate, but I hate to see a productive and talented Senator removed from their august legislative body. I'd rather see a governor go. What's that guy's name? Schweitzer? Is that his name? From Montana?
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