I thought I was writing it here, but like the good little student I am, I was actually writing it as a new post under Savage Stories. It's called "The End of Love." Labeled Dorothy Parker, Leonard Cohan, and Stella.
Since I did this in such a short time, it probably needs editing. All writers need editors. I am my only editor. This is not ideal. If you want to help, jump right in there with the comments. If I misspelled something, despite the functioning spellcheck, feel free to point it out, but please be specific. Randal is a perfectionist in his own writing. He trusts himself, or else his wife is his editor. I need a good editor. And an agent, and a publisher who would provide the sorely needed editor.
Subtle, Innit?
2 hours ago
I've put up beefcake. That said, I went over and read the story. What a jerk, no wonder she wanted out.
I don't know how this works. Do you want comments over with the short story or over here? Maybe you only want editorial comments with the story & general comments here? If so, I just effed up, but that's not a new experience for me.
D.K. you did not Fuck up. You? Never. What's said there stays there. But boy do I love what's said there. NJRR was incredibly helpful. I hope her moving to France doesn't mean I'll lose her. Maybe I'll have to follow her.
And don't big blondes, even if they're really brunettes, always choose the wrong guy?
ahhh, okay so the comments go there..I see Dk asked what I was going to ask...okay over I go...
I'm a blonde, always choose the wrong guy and my other nickname is Blue. Jood (for Judith) Blue. Go figure.
And my ex-husband said something outrageously cruel to me today, which has me ass over teakettle.
Aw, gee, Utah (~blush~) Thanks so much. I'll actually have time to read your wonderful writing now that the weekend's here...
and a good weekend to you all...
I mean have a Fuzzy Friday!
my favourite Leonard Cohen song.......
There's no way in hell I'd have my wife edit. She's not as anal about that crap as I am, plus I'm a better speller and jerk.
God gave unto Noah the Rainbow Sign, no more Water, the Fire Next Time.
I'm sure see the relevance.
Jesus fairlane, Do you know Junior? In real life? Fairlane are you Junior? Because it was "The fire next time."
Glad to see your holiness out and about. The emperor travels solo?
Fairlane is your reference to Gravity's Rainbow?
Or Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Or Bush's next war?
I always travel solo. Other people are Hell.
Haven't you read Sartre?
Of course I've read Sartre. I did so in the early 60's. Reread Sartre in Italy. But that was long ago. Perhaps I need to read Sartre again. But to save a little time, educate me, please? Only minds cannot hold it all and keep it straight. References shift and realign. It is you the young who keep us up to date on what was new when we were young.
Other than No Exit, Existentialism, De Beauvoir, Camus, Gide, and all the rest, what am I missing?
I haven't gotten around to your new story yet, but you asked about corrections, et cetera. Leonard Cohen, not Cohan, will have to be my contribution as he's my favorite artist.
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