Two flies buzz around quick and darting. I'm trying to sleep away a migraine and the damned things keep lighting on my face. I pull the sheet over my face and try to go back to sleep. Cyrus snaps at one, but is not quite fast enough. It's hot in the house and finally I give up and roll out of bed. I have been too interested in blogging to clean my house for over a week. Small spaces need order. This is now no longer ordered. Must make progress. After I find a hammer and smash one of my toes so my headache isn't the focus anymore, I might start working on creating a little order and beauty. Until then I'm going to show you my dirty little house from the comfort of my bed. Arrgh. Pain.
News That Will Drive You To Drink
2 hours ago
Your house is lovely. Oh, 'twere my house were only so messy as your.... Sigh.
Darn; I wanted to read the titles on your books in that first photo. I love to see what others' are reading. I already know my own books. Whenever someone is playing talking head on the tube with books behind, I always am trying to read the titles.
Thanks for your opinion of my poem. I had written one earlier (switchback) but am not as proud of that one -- seemed disjointed. But I like "Bent". Took me about two months to mull that one over but I am happy with it. Now for another try at poetry. Seems I am inspired by photos but what next?
Hope your head is better soon. Maybe some yoga to relax them neck muscles.
Too much light in there for a migraine! I'd go into a dark cool cave with an icepack. I HATE the knitting needles entering through the back of my skull & exiting just above my eye socket (that's how my migraines feel). Since we moved back to the desert, I haven't had one, so I blame the oceanic pressure & humidity during my years in san diego.
OMG, don't be sending in that 4th photo to any religious site! I think I see jeezie's ghost in your garden! The window plant is forming his beard (gulp). I wonder if he's asking for a grilled cheese sandwich?
Jesus loves me yes he does. Yes, Red that is Jesus looking in on me. Jesus love us atheists. We face so much hardship maintaining our lack of faith He let me give him a lovely hair cut just for that picture. I gave him a bob. So appropriate, don'tcha think? I took those photos last night and what you see is mostly flash. Today is no day for light. You are oh so right--dark, quiet and absolutely nothing to do. Yet here I am talking to you. It's a little miracle. Must be Jesus' work. That or the migraine meds I keep close at hand for just such emergencies. I always got them in hot dry places--Salt Lake, and Abilene, Texas--it might have been the stress of staying with in-laws (Junior;s parents) that did it to me. Usually associated with some hinky blood pressure. I did have them in Santa Barbara--might have been associated with some Maggy induced stress.
Utah- Are you aware of the contraindications of taking some migraine meds with anti-depressants? Just checkin', 'cause I care.
Developed a migraine a couple of months ago due to smelling some chemicals at work for several hours. The pain was gone late the next day but I felt nauseas for days from it. Hope you feel better soon.
Your house is lovely. I dig the warm colors.
I hope you're feeling better. I'm in on the stories!
Freida, all my docs have complete medical records. And my pharmacist is alert to the different conditions and I get all my meds at the same location. But I think your concern is very sweet. I only take one of these migraine pills and within an hour I'm alive again. Nice to know my friends want me to keep on keeping on. I plan on being a literary darling before I die.
Well, hot damn, we've got us a book. Scarlet's in, so is Freida, so is DK Reed, so is JNRR, I invited others but haven't heard back. I think we need ten stories at least. We could each probably write ten such stories apiece. Scarlet reminded me that she too is an editor, teaches women's writing or lit. Not exactly sure, but she's got creds. I want us eventually to end up at a tony writer's retreat working on our next books together in the flesh with grants from someone with big bucks for promising writers. So, there you have my scheme. Now we need an agent. Whoever can get there hands on a current Writer's Market should start contacting agents with our proposal. We need a good letter writer. I'd bet that's going to have to be Dcup. We need a killer cover letter. And we're off to the races. Monetary consideration should be given for editing and other such work. It's hard to edit your own work. At least it is for me.
Six months after you quit smoking your migraines will be dissolved.
OK, first things first, the little bot guard word right now for me is "pahnn" you know, kinda like PAIN?
So that's freaky enough.
Anyhow, smoke more, take your gin downstairs, and get as dark as possible. That's the only SANE migraine response.
The only music you should have should be scratchy '40's, you know, like early Ella and Billy Holiday.
While I genuinely love all these other liberal mofos, they're giving you bad advice.
If there is a whale available, eat the bitch, don't save it. Good God, how much more must I go on? :)
Oh and BTW, did you know? Scrunch an aspirin up in that corn bread hunny. And one vitamin C tab too.
You'll never taste it, and your head will be happier.
And if you channel your fucking migraine over to me, I will never forgive you.
It's a nice abode regardless of the clutter or mess.
I haven't been able to clean my house in two friggin years..imagine my living areas with the ball and chain doing
But I shan't whine anymore about it..some folks don't have a ball and chain to do these things.
Hope your head is feelin' better by now. Mine ain't. But I'd like to borrow Cyrus since Lou is n labor.
It just so happens that an old beau of mine that I just saw at my class reunion is married to a woman who is in publishing, and my next door neighbor growing up is the author of two books.... Both may lead nowhere, but with a "product" to sell, I can try.
Perhaps, if we write it, they will come. Oh wait, that is our next endeavor, erotica. ;)
Liquid. I have been to your place several times and can't leave a message to you, so I'll say it here and hope you come back.
Your car parts story is really good. Do you happen to have a murdering woman story. Like a woman with a lover she starts to hate. Or an abusive husband. I seeking submissions for a collection of talented writers to write a Murdering Women short story collection. What do you say?
UC, hear hear. The darkness is your friend. I'd suggest a bit of spirits, but that might not be your thing.
Can I borrow Cyrus? He has such a beautiful face. And he's the size of a real dog, not like those little itty bitty yip yips that my friends have.
Dear Ms. Utah,
This is off-topic, I think, but I'm attempting to respond to your comment on my blog - you know, the one about writing a short story about wanting to murder someone?
Firstly, I want to say that I've read a few of your blog entries here. I've also read your comments on a few other blogs we both frequent. I've found common ground with you in several places and yet I've been unable to comment because I am in awe of your writing and I have feared that I would be dismissed as a rube. I hope you don't mind me saying so, as I mean this in the best way, but you are a powerhouse of a woman. But you also strike me hard as a very loving, caring person. In essence, I think of you as very complex and multi-faceted and this is where I feel we have common ground. One of the differences between us being that you are an extraordinary writer, while I struggle with my writing.
With that said (sorry, I know how overused that phrase is), I did once harbor fantasies about murdering a man who made my and my family's life a nightmare for many months, in a Cape Fear (ish) (not as dramatic) sort of way. I would not, however, have any idea of where to begin...
Please keep in touch. My email is
pagan, emil me at I want to ask you some questions about your story, explore your reluctance to give yourself the hero status of saving your family from this man. I woman hero in this kind of story can be so empowering to other women. Not to mention oneself. Often in short stories I'm just rewriting my own history. Becoming the dark heroine of my own little hell.
I will gather my thoughts on this and get back to you soon.
I like the idea of being a hero...
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