Okay, it comes down to the anticlimax of daily life. I must get my sorry ass in gear, and clean this box before it kills me. Yes, vacuuming is on my list of chores. A dreary trip to the store, mainly to pick up drugs, more cantaloupe, more Jiffy cornbread mix, and smokes. (Fuck you Petro! No I will not quit! ) Today is amateur day at the grocery store. It's send the kids to do the shopping day, so you can stay home and write checks to pay bills. The kids are pissed off that they are saddled with this unpleasant chore, and take their revenge on the rest of us, by leaving their carts blocking our way while they wander off looking for something odd like baking soda. What do they know of baking soda? What the fuck is baking soda anyway? And why would anyone at their house need baking soda--nobody bakes anything anymore. You want cookies? Buy them in the tube, ready made dough. Mom's going old school in this heat? Not likely.
Then there is the heat. It's in the mid 90s in the deep shade of the gazebo. It will be in the high nineties or worse on the sea of blacktop at the store. At least I have no need to roll my windows up. I'm driving a car I could leave my keys in with the windows rolled down, and nobody in a car stealing mood would look twice at it. No self respecting car thief would be caught dead in the dog mobile.
I'm going to buy some really good brownie mix. My Administrator needs a brownie fix. It costs a fortune to send a care package next day air to San Francisco, but I would have no blog without him. And since I get his expert help for free, while others pay for his services, I'm only too happy to be his surrogate mother, and send him brownies. I'll have to wait to bake until close to midnight--let the place cool down, get the windows open.
I'm working on a righteous political rant. It's percolating. It will have to be released soon, or I will blow a gasket, and what with the infected finger and the broken toe, I can't afford any more injuries. I have a doctor appointment Monday.
Maybe I'll take a nap, and do all my work in the middle of the night. I can only use the swamp cooler for short bursts of cool air since the motor is about to die. I keep planning to do a post on swamp coolers for Divajood, since every time I mention my swamp cooler she asks, "What's a swamp cooler?" So, for now, I'll go back to my rumpled bed, and write checks to the utility companies, so I can continue to run the fan all night, continue to take cool showers. This chore will make me sleepy.
Subtle, Innit?
2 hours ago
I swear I did NOT send my kids to the grocery store. I sent MathMan!
Keep cool and take care of those injuries!
I always enjoy reading your posts. Such a good writer you are. I have really liked seeing all the pictures you have posted. I have an award for you to pick up from my blog. I am looking forward to your next political rant.
We are having the same heat wave. Ugh! I don't care for the heat. So after the numb minding chores and travels around town I treated myself to a peach pleasure smoothie. Now that is bliss on a hot day.
Keep cool and enjoy yourself.
Saoirse, I will come back to pick up my award when I can figure out how to carry it home. I'm such a dork when it comes to actually doing anything that requires bloggy smarts. I better get busy on those brownies for my Administrator. He'll help me when his mouth is full of chocolaty goodness.
Brownies!!!! No wonder your Blog Adm works for "free"! I just posted a couple songs you might like ... as I'm running out the door for an Obama event here tonight. It'll probably be 104 in the shade. Maybe someone will turn on the sprinklers.
Petro? Ignore it. The annoyance will go away.
I have a one track mind, I cannot help it. I am a natural blond.
Do you have a car? If so, why don't you drive up the canyon in the Wasatch mountains and cool off by the creek? (Bring plenty of mosquito repellent, of course.) I used to like City Creek Canyon too, but that was over 30 years ago. Is it still pretty?
Dear Madam Z, I'm too reclusive to go anywhere there might be other people. Once a week to the grocery store is about as much human contact as I can stand. But yes, City Creek is still pretty. I used to live in the upper part of Emigration Canyon.
brownies! yum.
i never cook. i never did. i've tried over the years but it is so depressing. you go out and get all these ingredients, then you make this huge mess and then you have figure out how to use the frigging oven and then it somehow turns into a meal and you eat it and then in no time flat it's gone. done. over with. and then you spend an hour cleaning up!!!
now does that make any sense at all?
besides, i'm not really into "meals" per se. i prefer to nibble on stuff throughout the day.
Anita, you have just nailed the problem with cooking. It is a lot of work, it creates a lot of mess and in five minutes flat the food is gone, and you now have nasty work to do to clean it up. Think about Thanksgiving. Women cook all day, and I mean all damn day to prepare a fabulous meal: Turkey, stuffed with a stuffing that is a concotion the requires hours of chopping and melting butter and such, and it's now small job stuffing a naked turkey, weighting often 15 lbs. It's like a wrestling job with a dead bird, like =the rape of a corpse--then there are all the side dishes and fucking near every one of them requires a lot of chopping. Don't forget the pie making, and on and on. Yet I have seen a thanksgiving dinner consumed by hungry guests in 15 minutes. They all go off somewhere to have a turkey nap, and your left cleaning a kitchen that looks like a small war has taken place.
Utah: I came over to answer your question you left on my blog. No, don't know about the writing. Personally, writing for me is super hard and that's why I admire your skills so much. I mostly rant on politics and write stuff about my personal life but I wouldn't say I was skilled, I just do it to vent.
I buy big boxes of baking soda all the time but not so much to cook with as for cleaning--laundry, tubs, teeth even!
I buy huge boxes of baking soda for the same reasons, but send a teenager to the grocery store for baking soda and they will have trouble with the concept that baking soda even exists, let alone the fact that it has so many uses.
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