So, now, I am happy to pass it forward. These bloggers are my five choices to receive the Arte Y Pico Award:
1)A Poetic Justice.
2Non Je Ne Regrette Rien
5l'ennui melodieux
These are some of my favorite bloggers, for so many reasons. Their sites are not only beautifully designed, but they all have a unique voice, and they all have something important to say to the blogging community, and to a larger audience as well. I'm hoping for many future awards to come for all of you.
A Poetic Justice is one of the most gorgeous sites I've ever seen. And has many delights to share with you. I, so far, am fixated on the poetry, but there are vast delights within. Sometimes the poetry makes me cry, but isn't that part of the purpose of poetry; to allow us to see our world in a new and sometimes challenging way, move us to action or tears, and hopefully both? And Poetry Man is a most generous and kind reader of others attempts to master the art or merely to get it out of one's system. Thank you Poetry Man.
No Je Ne Regrette Rien is soon moving to live in France. Wouldn't you know it, just when you fall in love with someone, they up and leave you, tell you they have to live abroad. But she has promised to keep in touch. I've heard that line before, but we shall see. This is a woman with great writing chops. She is both a journalist of the art of living one day at a time while liveing three lives at once, and often on the brink, like a high wire performer and a loving mother all at once. And she is a talented writer of fiction. You will also occasionally get the great political rant with a bit of the French Revolution, just to keep it all in perspective.
Swiftspeech has been a mentor for me in the internets. She was my first reader. The first person ever to tell me I wrote like Dorothy Parker. I, who had never read Dorothy Parker. Imagine that. Then after reading Dorothy, I was inspired to write a new short story that made me want to gather together a group of women writers and write some murder mysteries. Talk about a mentor. But it is her site, as well as her kindness and encouragement, that make me want to give her this award. She writes daily on all the politics that's fit to print, and some that isn't and needs to be known.
Starspangaledhaggis is a woman letting us into her daily life in the most remarkably intimate way possible. She has gone through hell and back and lives to tell the tale. She talks about mothering a young daughter, Bambina, with such charm and without the slightest bit of self-consciousness or too much sugar. She talks about what it's like to adopt a child from another country, and tells us how easy their government made it, and how difficult ours does, as well. Interesting reading every moment, that often makes me mad at our government for whole new reasons--it's a learning experience. She talks about the day to day, and makes it literary with out even trying.
L'ennui melodieux, because everywhere I go, Randal got there first, and said it best in fewer words than anybody else. So that, wherever I go, I find myself saying "What Randal said." One day, Randal, I'm going to get there first. One of my ambitions as a blogger is to have Randal say, "What US said." I suspect I will have to blog a very long time to reach that exalted level of commenting skill. Randal writes excellent poetry, romantic, rather dark and brooding--I love that in a man. He writes a bit too much about sports for my taste, but does it so well, I read it anyway, and often love it enough to say so. He also claims to have a job and a wife and kids, but who can say for sure... Anyone as prolific as Randal can't really be living a real life, can he?
So my darlings, according to Scarlet Blue who gave me this award, and in her own words, I give you the rules:
These here be the rules:
1)Pick five (5) blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of “Arte y Pico” blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award which is here: Arte y Pico.
Just when I thought I would escape life without an award...I am honored with the Arte Y Pico Award...
Thank you, Utah Savage. I am humbled that you chose my blog.
I will soon select my own five to honor.
You are most appreciated, my friend. Yes. Most appreciated.
You are a good sport and a kind man besides.
So, now you have to post again, with five MORE bloggers, since I awarded it to you as well. See? One Arte y Pico for each hand.
I don't do fiction, I don't care about and have never posted so called awards that others gave me.
But I wonder, how do you get in a knife fight with a blogger. A pissing contest I get, but a knife fight?
A few christian bloggers wanted to kill me but it would be a mistake to bring a knife to do that being as I would blow them away with a gun.
Really, don't you think it is sort of stupid to take a knife to a gun fight?
Anyway, gotta go, have a great day, hugs.
Diva, I can hear you laughing diabolically. Are you enjoying yourself? Are ytou having fun. Do you have any idea how long it will take me to do this all again? Easy for you to say with your computing shills, I mean skills. See, if I knew how to do that strike out thingy, i could have used it right there, where i said shills, instead of skills. You are wicked. Or am I projecting again?
Sweet! Thanks! I'm so not worthy.
If you were a dude, I'd say 'you the man,' but since you're a chick, I'll say 'you the woman.'
Now, I'm a morning person, which is why I usually get their first. When you get old like me, you'll start falling asleep at 9pm and waking up at 4am to go fishing.
No, that last part is a lie. More like 4h30.
my goodness, who knew one could get awards for all of this fun?! and even if one could GET an award, who knew one DESERVED an award? un mille mercis, madame! what a treat, to be able to find one's voice and then for others to actually want to listen. wow.
1. The strikey thingy doesn't work in comments. Alas, sad but true. It only works in posts.
2. I don't laugh diabolically. I am the picture of innocence. Really. I swear it. Get typing. Heee heeee heee heee heee.
3. Perhaps we are each other's evil twin, separated at birth, except I'm short and blond and you look like Audrey Hepburn.
4. Oh, THANK you Diva, for my second Arte Y Pico award, and I hereby list five MORE bloggers, and doubly thank you, Diva, in advance, for showing me how to do that strikey thingy, would do nicely.
Utah. Congratulations. And, thanks for the blog leads. My new bookmark file folder is up to 30 new, and interesting blogs to read whenever I can get to them. Your blog, however, is a daily read.
Eprof2, I'm glad to know you're still there even when I don't see you. But don't think for a second I'm not checking you out, too.
Utah, wonderful, Utah. You made my day. I'm convinced you were Dorothy Parker in a former life. No LOL...
My biggest goal in life has always been to mentor other women's strength and power. To be deemed a mentor is one of the highest honorifics imaginable. Too often, women are cruel to each other because of the powerlessness we allow society inflicts on us.
When I visit your blogworlds, Utah, I am cheered by the support and kindness among everyone here. You've grown an empowering site that brings men and women together in an equitable dialog.
Our little group exists to ferret out information from dark political corners and bring it to light. On this count, also, I thank you for your recognition.
Like poetry man, I am humbled. I visit daily and wish I had more time to to read the blogs of all your wonderful guests. Greatness obviously attracts greatness, which are all the people here.
Many thanks, Utah. Such a beautiful blog award. I hope to hear from you when you aren't cranking out another masterpiece.
Now, see what I mean? Isn't Stella divine? A mentor keeps teaching you things all the time. A mentor shares information that might be useful to you in your own personal quest. That's my Stella.
okay, so I suck at receiving and giving awards. but even so, I am ever so flattered that an obviously talented artist such as you has bestowed it.
Of course, I wanted to name you, L'Ennui and La Belette in my top 5. But it seemed opposite of the spirit of the process ... introducing new and well loved blogs ... since 2 of the above are multiple recipients and La Belette seems to have gone underground.
I do enjoy the other writers I showcased, but I want you guys to know as well that I adore your writing.
"There is no greater praise than to be praised by the praiseworthy."
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