Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hiding Behind My Books

I have screwed up again, and better lay low for a day. There might be a blogger with an angel in drag looking suspiciously like Barbie on a Half Shell pissed at me for suggesting she would ever consider me anything but a fucktard.! But Rebel Grrrl!? Hell no, I don't remember giving you any awards. Can a senile old woman please keep her Rebel Grrrl award. I'll keep my Rebel Grrrl Award and trade you two Barbies on Half Shell. Bye for now, I'll be hiding.


Randal Graves said...

Are you suggesting that awards can be bartered or at least traded on the NYSE?

Arte y pico is down two and a quarter! Sell! Sell!

Anonymous said...

Well, now you've gone and done it. Turn in your keyboard. ;-D

Watch Suzi. She'll sic the puppies on you and they'll love you to death.

Unconventional Conventionist said...

You can run, but you can't hide hunny.

Naj said...

I am hiding from these thoughts

Naj said...

Sorry Utah, I guess i wasn't mindful of your headache :(

But this IS true, 20 years ago on this date, American navy shot down a passenger airplane. The Admiral was later given badge of honor! America never apologized to Iran, but offered to pay compensation to the victims. a little peanut money.

Utah Savage said...

I just want to keep my Rebel Grrl Award. I don't ask much. I'm not really greedy and hungry for recognition, but my Rebel Grrl means a lot to me. I'm down on my knees. I can barely type my head hurts so fucking bad. I think I'll go puke now. Did I say I woke up with a migraine? It's still here. Now strong drugs and darkness. Only the sound of the swamp cooler and the lingering smell of dog piss. Do you feel sorry for me yet? You should. it's a hundred degrees outside. Everything is crisping up nicely for the fireworks. Maybe they'll burn the town down this time. Blaaaaa!

DivaJood said...

Migraines suck. You can keep all your awards, but migraines suck. Feel better soon.

Ghost Dansing said...

i think she's a rebel

She's a rebel
She's a saint
She's salt of the earth
And she's dangerous

Commander Zaius said...

Hey Utah, hope you are feeling better. Can you recommend any good history books?

Naj said...

I have no clue what you are talking about.

I want that thing private more than anyone else! I am confused what youa re referring to.


Ghost Dansing said...

Iran Air Flight 655..... wikipedia..... what a mess

Utah Savage said...

Dear Naj, If you say it's private, I believe you. I'm sorry. I think pain makes me a little hysterical.

Utah Savage said...

What period of time and what part of the world are you interested in Beach. I like the Historian Barbara Tuchman. She wrote great books about tStillwell, and The American Experience In China. I think you should ask Naj. She has an issur we should pay some attnetion to right now, and it's America's history with Iran. Our very checkered past. Our very dangerous present, and if McCain gets ecected our very dangerous future. We are teetering on the brink.

Blank said...

Good god! Is that Alice Walker's In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens on your bookshelf? GIRLFRIEND! I do love you.

Fran said...

With or without an award or banner, you are indeed a rebel guurl!

Utah Savage said...

You guys are making me cry. I'M displaying my feminist creds with the very old and well worn copy of "Mercy" by Andrea Dworkin. This is fiction, but I have all her books somewhere.

Scarlet, I loved Colette's book, "My Mother's Garden" too. Love May Sarton, as well. She's also in that particular bookcase.