Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thanks to SoairseDaily2

My cup runneth over. I'm embarrassed to say I have more awards than I could possibly deserve. I'm just not that nice, nor that consistently brilliant (notice I didn't deny my brilliance entirely), and I don't get out and about enough to deserve this one, but am I giving it back? Are you kidding me? Hell no. I ran home and posted it on my site and tried to catch up with thanking and acknowledge everyone who made it possible... But I didn't get around to thanking you, SoairseDaily2

This is an award for commenting, and since half the time I say, "What Randal said" or "What Ghost said," and a new favorite comment is "What okjumm said,"--God that man can comment. Often, if I do comment, I go off on a rant that's longer than the post. Who knew I could possibly deserve this award, but I'm not about to give it back, so I best say, Thank you, SoairseDaily2, and get to commenting.


Forrest Proper said...

Yes, what you said. 100%.

(just getting back to the blogs)

Ghost Dansing said...

congratulations Utah

DivaJood said...

What a pretty frog in the award. Does he have a swamp cooler?

Utah Savage said...

Of course he does. This is Utah Diva.

BBC said...

I've never cared about awards and have never posted those that others bestowed on me, my ego doesn't need that.

I'm going camping in the morning, you monkeys be good while I'm gone.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Just for the record, John McCain was shot down during his 23rd bombing mission in Vietnam, not his first.

Linda-Sama said...

thanks for stopping by Ramblings, Ms. Savage, I thought you were mad at me.....

I am back from 2 weeks in California -- and no, I did not start the fires in Big Sur, maybe it was my fiery personality that started them after I left -- and wrote a post in my head tonight as I flew back from San Fran....stay tuned.....

and conrats on the awards! and I gave ya the Reb Grrl award!

Randal Graves said...

What everyone else said.