I don't know who the Crypt Keeper is, but I think it's Joe Leiberman. I'll bet money, well money that isn't worth much anymore, that Joey boy will be the man who gets the job of whispering into McCain's ear from now until he and John lose the election in November. Oh how I hope so. He's a great war mongering warm-up act for John Old White Haired Guy. Old man shouts at cloud. Yeah man, great. Let's bomb Moscow! A leader we can assume will bomb everyone.
I have never been a Paris Hilton fan. I thought she was stupid, but that's just wrong. She's certainly smarter than John Old Wrinkled Dude. I'm waiting with great anticipation for Paris to make another ad giving us her foreign policy position. I'll bet it's better than John My Friends McCain's.
Supporting The Troops, 2025 Version
3 hours ago
Oh man, if it's Holy Joe, well, I might just throw a fucking party.
That would crack me up!
Lieberman and McCain
Sitting in a tree
First comes death
Then comes profit
Next comes McCain with a signing statement!
Like Bush, you'll love McCain!
Greetings Utah, Just letting you know I stop by nearly every day, but rarely add any comments. But I appreicate your writing, learn from you and your many contributors and often feel your pain.
I just don't see Joe being chosen. I might be wrong, but I just don't think Lieberman fits into the picture. Not today.
Y'all keep up the good fight.
Wizard, can you believe Alternet reported this morning that it looks like Holy Joe is close to getting the nod?
Unfortunately, Obama's looking seriously at Evan Bayh, a Democratic supporter of the Iraq war. See Short List on Mad Mike's blog to link to the sources.
Oh, dcup, that poem—great. May I borrow if from you? It should be distributed throughout the blogosphere.
Well, Utah my friend, you may get your wish. We have to hope that Bayh isn't the Dem's selection. I'm politically burned out: fed up (I am).
I don't know why I don't buy Bayh. I can't see Obama feeling particularly comfortable with him, nor do I believe Bayh brings enough umph to the ticket to be a plus on any level. White bread might be just the thing that would reassure those hard working, white folks in the rust belt, but think about what having Leiberman on the ticket does to the equation. A black man or a jew? A racist is usually an anti-semite as well. The old white men are going to give their votes to the old white men. No offense meant to any old white hardworking white men out there. So, why Bayh. I'll have to stop by Mad Mikes to find out why.
Stella - please feel free to use that little ditty.
A racist is usually an anti-semite as well. Yes, exactly! I hope Obama doesn't cave to Bayh: he's too hawkish for my taste—I'm not all that comfortable with his political record. Clark or Biden would be better choices, I think.
But, that's what Alternet posted. Lieberman is sucking up to the fanatic right-wing Hagees and Dobsons, so he may have an opportunity. I think you're right: Lieberman is a schlump and a shlemiel.
Obama still isn't set in stone, but I think you'll get your (our) wish about Holy Joe.
If McCain picks Holy Joe, I'll take it as proof positive McCain really doesn't want to win.
As for the O-man, with all the decent choices Obama has, why on earth would he pick Bayh other than the fact Bayh is a tool of the DLC?
Oops. Silly me. Just answered my own question.
I posted it on Swiftspeech, dcup. Thank you. Great thread, all!
I know this is more than slightly off the track of the current discussion but I can't help but think of Elmer Fudd and Jar Jar Binks everytime I see and hear Joe Leiberman.
I get the Elmer Fudd, but I don't know who Jar Jar Binks is Beach. Must be a kid thing.
you're right about jar jar, utah. he's a character from the more recent star wars movies, and (i have read) that he is considered (by some) to be both a racist and a homophobic stereotype.
i have no personal opinion on the subject since the only star wars film i ever saw was the first one. and that was certainly enough for me.
kids these days.
Anita you're full of useful information and so lovely in your flowers.
it could easily be joey...but then poor lindsay the graham cracker will be so sad....but you know joey is dreaming about it every nite..".ohhhhhplllllleezzzz Let Johnny pick me".....oh when will this fucking McManCrush end....
please oh please make it end soooooooon.....
( my word verification is bjzeh....this is the third time that bj has been in my code...hmm, I wonder what that means....)
I don't think anyone else would be so pertfect than JoeMomentum. But I don't think we could be so lucky to have these two MCGoos to run against.
JOHN 'CONE OF SILENCE' MCCAIN: And now I would like to announce my prick- I meant "pick" for my vice president. My VP will be my confidante, my sideprick- I mean "sidekick", my puppet to kick around, etc...
I choose my friend and lost puppy dog, Joe Lieberman.
(Gasps and moans and sobs are now heard throughout the small, miniscule, stale room.)
Aggghhhh Fuck you! Fuck you! Bunch of lilly livered compassionate conservatives! You wouldn't last five milli-fucking-seconds in the jungle! Go to hell you bunch of whiners! Holy Joe has more chutzpa in his pinky than you've gumption in the whole of your goddamned, motherfucking, spleens! Yaba daba doo! Boink! Oh! Wise guy, eh? Well fuck you! Scooby doooo me! Bite my ass! Ha ha ha! You ignorant cunt! Suck on this one! Neener neener nah noo dee dah! Fly! Flit! Flat! Try and top that! Now if you'll excuse me I have to load my 1965 pistola and shoot me some commy-terrorist-al-qaeda-fascists! Yee Haw!
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