A pre-convention memo to Hillary Clinton
Ignore your sniping campaign team. Smart advisors would tell you to give Barack Obama your undivided support from now until Election Day.
By Joe Conason
Read more: Democratic Party, Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Joe Conason, Opinion, Democratic National Convention, Barack Obama

Reuters/Jim Young
Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton at a joint appearance in Unity, N.H., June 27, 2008.
Aug. 15, 2008 | As a candidate in the primaries, you received a lot of truly useless advice from your high-priced helpers -- a situation highlighted this week by the embarrassing release of some of their confidential memorandums in the Atlantic magazine. From the beginning, your campaign seems to have been impervious to wise counsel -- even your own.
Oh, how I can't wait until this entire fucking thing is over.
No, no, George, I meant the silly season, not the planet. Put the nukes back in your pocket.
"So give some careful thought to what is best for your country, and for you." Does anyone really believe she will do this? She just keeps disappointing me. what a letdown this broad has been.
she and bill are media whores....and since it was National Narcisstic Week- wehlp- they had to get out there and Do their part...damn...."Catharsis" my ass
or "glurp" as UC said....
this was one awful muthafuckin week..can I come hide under the covers at your house???...I will bring chodolate milk and oreos....
( on another note go read Bruce Blog off my blogroll- he has a hysterical writeup about the PUMETTES and their numbers...cough..it will make you feel better- promise)
I just heard a McCain proxy say that Hillary has taken over the Democratic Convention, even taking over the logistics.
The implication of his statements was that the bad mommy is de-balling Obama, leaving him to sissified to run the country, especially if we're going to need fight the Russians again.
"We need a tough guy like McCain." was the direct quote.
Now that Hillary is on the front page again, we can see where the Republicans are going to take this....it's going to come down to who's the tougher guy.
yeah the tough guy with bigger cohonas....
WTH? McC has bigger cajones? No way! He is elfish in that defuckingpartment. Not that it makes any diff. Remember Hillary had "testicular fortitude", too. Nuts!
this is a nice writerly blog i thought you would have fun with/at.
Thanks Naj, I've marked it and will blog roll it.
She's not going to be President in 2009, so it's time to end the campaign. I really think they are just trying to appease the PUMAs by allowing Hill to take over the convention, but it won't be good enough for them. They are not even Democrats anymore. When your motto is "Party Unity My Ass", you're gone from it.
Oh shit..
Good post. I've been worried about this.
Are the HIllary Democrats so upset that their candidate lost that their willing to have John McCain win the election? Seems so..
You know as disappointed as I was (am) with hill and bill I am becoming a bit vexed by the sliding center Obama... I expected such things from Hillary, but the change messenger needs to get back on track. Maybe it is wishful thinking that there really is a vast difference between the neocon wing of the republican party and the malleable wing of the democratic party...
Progressive ideals, dear democrats, ARE NOT MALLEABLE!
Straighten up or straighten out!
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