Linda Sama, our friend and soul sister, is going to Iowa to volunteer for the Obama Campaign. Which means she will be shutting down her blog until after the election. I applaud this activism and wish we were all going to Iowa to help. I am going to volunteer at the Obama HQ in Salt Lake City and Salt Lake might very well vote for Obama. But it's the rest of this state that will go with the war mongering, privatizing, break the government so we can dispense with it crowd. Sadly, Utah is the reddest of the red states. Thanks to the far right's neanderthal "family values," that want to take away women's rights to choose. Mormon's want to teach creationism in the biology classes, and give vouchers to "alternative" schooling, (i.e. home schooling, and religious educational institutions). Besides that, Mormons do what "The Church" tells them to, like a lot of other states where there is one strong paternalistic religion that dominates. I guess it is a bit redundant to use the word "paternalistic" in reference to organized religions.
We will miss you while you're gone Linda. But I know you will make a difference. If I lived in your neck of the woods, I might very well join you. If it turns out Colorado or Nevada are going to be very close, I may go do what you are doing in Iowa.
So, to all of you passionately committed liberal bloggers out there, if you can't volunteer somewhere, or make calls on your cell phone to help get out the vote in a state that's going to be close, please, please donate ten or twenty or thirty dollars to the Obama Campaign. I have been doing that since Barack beat Hillary in the North Carolina Primary. Every month when I see what I have left from my Social Security check (which feeds me and pays my utilities) I send that amount to Barack. Please join me. Every dollar helps.
And to you my dear friend and soul sister, Linda Sama, The Ageless Hippy Chick, Brava! for having the courage of your convictions. I know that your energy and passion will make a difference. Thank you.
Supporting The Troops, 2025 Version
4 hours ago
here's one for Linda Sama..... we are joined in the ideological cuddle....
thanks for your support, sister from a different mother...;)
it's time to quit bitchin' and start doing....
Rock on Linda, Godspeed.
Inspiring! I have donated to Obama quite a few times during the campaign (including this week) but always small amounts. It's just what we can afford. We went to the Dem HQ and got a t-shirt and (more) bumper stickers.
That's great she's doing that - go Linda!
I've been donating to Obama as well - gave him some at the end of last year (I didn't like Hillary) and then after he beat her in the Iowa primary I started donating regularly. Every time I get worried he isn't going to win I send more money! But I know I should be doing someting more active to support him. It's a great idea to go to another state to do it. Too bad I have a fulltime job!
I leave friday for Nevada...Obama's folks asked and I said yes I would go sign up new voters four hours away.
Its the least I can do.
I will be going to Nevada in October - and have been going into the Culver City Obama office to make phone calls to Nevada. Into action.
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