Thanks to Enigma4ever I was led to this piece, posted by Gryphon at Immoral Minority. Read this.
I feel some constraint since reading Liberality's piece yesterday about playing nice with the children. I get the fact that we should be better than that. But I'm afraid that if we are better than that and nicer than they, were going to lose once again.
Cultist Encounter
48 minutes ago
When she said that she was a pitt bull in lipstick, I thought alright then game on! We're gonna have to take the gloves off and hit in the teeth with a big stick. We can't play nice with this bunch!
CCTT, Thanks for the reassurance that someone else sees the game the same way I do. I have been known to spin out of control now and then, but Sarah Palin scares me. She could be very dangerous if the press lets her get away with not having her record and past behavior scrutinized. What's her legislative record, and follow the money.
its all utter bullshit. I don't think I am ever coming back.
Are you talking about our "liberal press" or our screwed up political system?
I see two choices: hit back and win or play nice and lose. I don't think there's a third. I wish there was because I'd rather not waste my hate when I could be putting it to good use in yelling at sporting teams but this is America in 2008 and McFossil and Lipstick just ain't worth the risk.
And Ms. n,jjrr. why would you want to come back here. From what I've read you have the perfect expat life in your little village. Thanks for sharing it with us. I live your life vicariously with you.
I agree with what Randal said. Heard a report on NPR this after noon that turned my stomach. Supposedly Obama or one of his aides said that after the trashing the pitbull did on him last night Obama was going to try and stay above the fray. All I could think of after hearing that was that Kerry said something to the same affect as the Swiftboaters got going.
Amen: I'm getting that same nauseas feeling I had in 2000 and '04, reinforced by Biden saying Palin is very qualified to be VP, to dems laying low on Palin out of fear of attacking a woman and offending women (while McCain empties his primary $$$'s war-chest on Obama/Biden) as Obama hopes to stay above the fray.
Maybe I'm getting upset over nothing. After all, after the 2006 message (and gifts sent the dems by the electorate), they didn't do diddly shit to follow our wishes, i.e., halt the damn war and impeach the sumbitches.
So why am I upset? Is there that big a difference between the republicans and democrats? Apparently not.
Dada don't go there. There is a difference and you damn well know it. Without a veto proof majority we might as well piss in the wind. Yes I'm mad a Nancy and Harry but that doesn't make me want to cut off my nose to spite my face.
the whole system, the fact that that broad could be endorsed as a nominee, the fact that she is doubted because she has kids instead of her fucked up resume and lack of experience. the fact that so many americans are big dunderheads.
IMHO Obama is right to personally stay above the fray. He needs to just keep saying "I'm running against John McCain, not Palin, so I'm not going to talk about her." There are plenty of other people out there ready and willing to flip the rocks over and see what crawls out, like the National Enquirer. It helps that Palin pissed off a whole universe of people all across the political spectrum when she made that snarky crack about community organizers not doing any actual work.
As for the pit bull in lipstick joke, I've read on Alaska blogs that went over like a lead balloon in her home state -- one of the major stories there a few weeks ago was about a little girl who was killed by a pit bull. It's still fresh in a lot of people's minds so pit bull jokes aren't viewed as particularly funny at the moment. But of course when Palin's role was to stand up there and read what had been written a couple weeks ago for whoever happened to get nominated, she wasn't in a position to suggest they take out or rewrite the one of the few lines that had been tossed in at the last minute to personalize it for her.
Let Obama stay above the fray, his supporters are a vast and diverse group of people with millions of voices and opinions. Liberals have never been the monolith that conservatives are. Just as we fight with each other to reach consensus, Republicans are very comfortable with top-down leadership and authoritarian tactics. They crave the structure and the absolutes, I suppose.
Anyway - here's the thing. This is your little piece of real estate. It always has been. You get to use it to express YOUR opinions in the way you see fit. That's what a blog is. If someone doesn't like what they see/read here, they can do two things. They can tell you so in comments (or an email, I guess) or they can leave and decide if/when to come back.
I don't understand why we are expected to agree to any particular message.
Now, if you're going to group blog, well, then you might have ground rules there.
You are a sensitive sort. You don't like to hurt people or offend them. I understand that. But you have to bear in mind that these days, emotions are running high. People are going to react.
You can also moderate comments if you need to, right?
Finally, I will say this. I don't like it that we have to go the way of fighting with anyone, but we can either continue to lose with dignity or win.
That, to me, is a no brainer.
Dcup, you weigh in with such wonderful authority and good sense. Because I'm such "a sensitive sort" I look to others whom I trust to let me know when I've gone bat shit. You are one of the others I look to for that invaluable assurance that, "yes dear, for now, you've gone bat shit and are doing yourself and the ideals you hold dear harm." Why is it so often the fact that the most fragile people are sometimes the most flamboyant in there persona. I look like a fat mouse now, but I do have a big mouth. I'm not so much group blogging (except in the "deadliest" sense), as I am stealing other's good ideas or emailed images--I just assume that if some one sends me a photo, shopped or not, I have permission to use it. If I dedicate a blog to you, I usually let you know I'm telling the world, small as it is, that your name is in use and you might want to check out how your name is being used. Sometimes I assume that blog links and addresses sent to me in emails are like prods to post. But then again, I'm not always the most astute reader of other people's motives for emailing me stuff. I am so very literal in my craziness. And to some one on such a strange cocktail of drugs--all prescribed by various doctors, I might think I'm hilarious when in fact I'm embarrassingly inappropriate. That's the trouble with letting just anyone own this kind of real estate. Phillip, my sitenoise friend and administrator, may say "My dear, where do you come up with this horse shit?" That would be a clue that I have gone astray. But from any of my close bloggy friends, like you, I would hope to be notified if I had crossed any lines or hurt any feelings. If I have offended you ever I would be so sad and ashamed of myself, just the thought makes me start to seep tears. Are we talking specifics, or generalities?
Nope - you haven't offended me. I just wanted you to know that it's okay to use your blog as you see fit (in my opinion).
Hi--been gone doing other things and I am late to the party. I think the way to win is to continue to stress that electing McCain is like electing four more years of Bush. McCain has voted the way Bush has wanted him to 9 times out of 10. Put that another way, McCain has a voting record that is 90% pro Bush. Why should we elect four more years of that?!
I don't think anyone has to go after Palin's kids because that is just a distraction from the real issues and makes us look too much like republicans besides that. That is just my opinion anyway.
Lib, I think that's a high minded stance, however Palin is all but pimping out those kids. That family was assembled around her like a chorus line. Put the poor preggers teen in the spotlight and drag the baby daddy who self identifies as a redneck who wants to play hockey, have sex and no kids, and we're supposed to ignore the kids as an issue. Biden was on Face the Nation yesterday and his son was a huge part of the show. Granted his son is 38, but it was all about how his son's lawyering impacts Joe's legislating. If Palin has a preggers unwed teen, her legislating against sex education is a pertinent issue for examination. I want those kids interviewed to find out how her politics effects them.
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