Thursday, October 2, 2008

Cindy's Secret Advice To Sarah

Good Advise


Unconventional Conventionist said...

Heh. The only way it could be better is if Cindy was a drag queen.

enigma4ever said...

hey asked for a Zucchini receipe..whelp....come on over to watergatesummer...


Liquid said...

You tickle me!

OK......word verificaiton.....not kidding was


Why do I find that funny in the context of things?


Liquid said...

In response to your question concerning the photographs of me.......well, I have a couple of girlfriends and a guyfriend who are photographers. We play a lot with our cameras. It does me good to be on the opposing end at times.
Although, I am no longer comfey in front of the lens as a subject.

Arrrgh......the control factor kicks in!!

Love you!

Liquid said...

I'll stop blowing up your commentary after this one, I promise. It was an after thought.....

"One must become submissive at times to regain her power."

Utah Savage said...

Kind of like a martial art?

Utah Savage said...

Enigma, that recipe looks fabulous. Thank you. I'll go next door and grab a big zucchini from the garden. I'm putting those raisons on to soak now. Rum huh? Mumm.

Anonymous said...

Free Cindy!

I think I'm almost as worried for her as I am for Katie Holmes!



Utah Savage said...

Me too. Poor little rich girl. But she's no Gloria Vanderbilt!

Liquid said...


Utah Savage said...

Liquid is thinking of The Art Of War.