Sunday, October 19, 2008
Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama
Colin Powell is the only cabinet official from the disastrously bad Bush II administration who survived with his reputation (mostly) in tact. It would have helped if he had spoken out about the BS he knew was happening in BusCheney world, but as a military man, it is not likely he would have done so while still serving in his role as Secretary of State. Once out of office he has kept mum about the shit he knew. Some would call that honorable. I'm inclined to call it cowardice, but that's how I roll. Powell is the Military man's Military man. Stoic is the word that probably best describes Powell's calm, patient, silent role since he left office. But for Colin Powell to endorse Barack Obama is stunning. It has removed from my mind any lingering taint from serving in BusCheney World, and it is a big back-handed slap to the face of John McCain. And any lingering distaste I had for Powell not resigning prior to delivering his famously bullshit speech at the United Nations has almost evaporated with his endorsement of Barack Obama for President.
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Oh dear Lord.
Colin Powell was supposed to endorse my candidacy...
Seriously, between Colin Powell and the Chicago Tribune, which has NEVER endorsed a Democrat for President before, I think perhaps our nation might be returning to sanity.
I endorsed DivaJood and even ran a campaign ad for her on my blog ... but given her powerful importance in her role as presidential candidate, I was snubbed. sniff.
now as far as Mr. Powell, I was pleased to view his eloquent endorsement. I also confess that his Bush years disappointed me greatly.
Colin Powell's endorsement is huge! $150 million in a month is huge! Paling on SNL Priceless. What a fool!
Colin Powell should be in jail, but since American war criminals never serve time, and the rubes love the guy, anything to help keep McFuck out of the White House.
I don't see anything wrong with this post. Oh, am I seeing the rewrite?
Anyway, I was glad to see Powell outline how he arrived at his decision.
I'm inclined to call it cowardice, too. I lost a lot of respect for Powell when he decided to be aWol's enabler and read those lies to the U.N. justifying invading Iraq.
best moment for me was when Powell said Palin is not qualified to be V.P., certainly not prez.
if his endorsement helps some military people feel more comfortable voting dem, then he's done his job.
Powell's words about Palin not being qualified while understated were a sledgehammer. I personally believe the stories that Powell was disgusted with the aftermath of Iraq invasion and how he was a part of the deception leading him to leave the administration at the end of the first term. Having him endorse Obama is a huge plus.
diva gets my vote....
will I be stoned to death if I admit I did not watch?
Yes! great news!
I agree with all of you.
Dcup, yes.
Liquid, Dear lord indeed.
Diva, You must not have offered Colin enough money. Prior to his tenure as Scy State he would shill for anyone who paid the big bucks. More on that later. Pssst. (He traveled with his own makeup artist. Prima donna!)
JNRR, Yes, me too.
AvPat Yes, and yes and yes again
Ghost, thanks for an empty New Orleans
Yes, Randal, the lot of them should be in jail, keep hold of that spirit and wish upon a star and maybe someday.... American War Criminals like the entire administration that BushCheney wrought will all go to jail. You first Cheney, then Bush and Rummy and Rice The whole long list of criminals, god it will overflow gitmo. Through in all the corporatist Wall Street crowd and they can party like it's 1929.
Nan, Some said he was tricked. Bullied by Rumsfeld and Cheney is more like it.
DK, exactly right. And what ever it takes to get as many military families to vote for Obama as possible is good
Beach I completely agree. It is a huge plus, but will it persuade your wife's family?
Linda, We watched for you. Now open wide and I will spoon feed you my take any time you like. I have no life so I keep up with all this earth shattering moment to moment crap.
Naj, Yes to this or yes to the other? I like seeing you here. Tell me more.
He needs to do something to redeem himself and this is a good start.
I meant throw not through. Hi Lib. Wish I could spell.
Randal, The party of the rich never goes to jail for their crimes and if by some fluke they do wind up in jail, they get a get out of jail free card. Like Ollie and Scooter.
Kulkuri, your cynicism is no doubt well founded, but we can dream can't we?
For years now I have dreamed and hoped someone would start talking about impeaching Scalia and Thomas for not recusing themselves in Bush v. Gore because they both had close family that stood to gain from the outcome of the case. Until they are held accountable this country is screwed. It just shows that if you are in a position of power you can do anything and get away with it. I'd love to see those two removed from the bench and all of the Bucheney war criminals and out right crooks put in jail, but I really don't see it happening in my lifetime.
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