The world's hunkiest Economist wins the Nobel Prize. I've become a Krugman fan this year watching him on my favorite prime time news shows: Hardball, Countdown, and now The Rachel Maddow Show. I was turned off by the economists of the past, namely Allen Greenspan and Paul Bernanke, big money morons in my estimation. Thanks a lot you titans of the past for the mess we find ourselves in. Make way for handsome
Paul Krugman.
It's been interesting today to see the conservative blogs rip him apart based on absolutely nothing substantial.
Just because they can, I guess.
Just because he's going to change the direction of monetary policy and it won't be to rig the big money game in their favor. During the past ten or twenty years we have been tilting toward Uncle Milty's vision for Shock Economics and a love of fascism. We are due for a huge correction of course. It's about damn time.
i think he's cute and he can explain what's going on so that i can understand it. he doesn't need to impress.
Yes to what Sherry said. I've seen him speak a number of times on the programs Utah mentions. He's humble as well as handsome. Looks a bit like George Clooney and with a huge intellect. Hooot!
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