Thursday, November 20, 2008

For Simstone, Who Will Understand Why

If you want to know more about Simstone, the link is in the title.


jmsjoin said...

That was good! When I started listening to it I though it makes you want to be with a woman. Personally I do not understand having baggage or imposing on the one you love! Take care of them! I guess not everyone feels that way or I wouldn't be divorced!

Utah Savage said...

Honey, if you get to be over thirty and think you don't have baggage, you haven't looked behind you and the caravan of luggage that follows you around and colors every thing you say and do. You must have been raised well. And I wonder what your wife says about you when you aren't around. Baggage accumulates with each birthday. You just don't want to unwrap that particular gift.

jmsjoin said...

You make me laugh! I had a Huckleberry Finn childhood. Someday I will get back to writing about. Down right magical. Those who knew me including my siblings will call it hell but I had a ball and have never changed. Life is what you make it! People would call mine hell but I wouldn't change a thing. Hard learning and living!My ex I am sure fills everyone with lies but my current wife who I am not married to can not get enough of me and the feeling is mutual.

Utah Savage said...

A happy man! It's a little like an honest man--probably hard to find. And don't do that "A hard man is good to find" line on me. I do love the sound of happiness. It's been illusive for me. I do have moments of feeling like, "I love my life" but they are fleeting. But then who could live with full time euphoria. It would lose its power.

jmsjoin said...

I make no demands and I found that to some that is demanding. I am just a to each his or her own kind of guy. My sons called my ex the Mother from hell but I was okay with her. Funny but amongst other things I baked with all my sons and they call me all the time looking for tricks and recipes. I raised 4 men but they know how to take care of themselves in a kitchen and house as well as in life.
I was looking at your reply again and I have to laugh! You know a hard man is easy to find and to so... i'll shut up!

Utah Savage said...

This was a fun conversation. Your sons will make great mates for some lucky women or men, whatever makes them happy.

anita said...

oh my.

a great video.

and simstone's blog is really, really cool.

a worrisome heart, indeed.

utah, clearly, we NOT alone. and that, in itself, should be of some comfort. or so i tell myself.

Utah Savage said...

Clearly, we are not alone. And yes, it is nice to know. I was around during your absence and there were so many people who missed you. First time I saw you on twitter, and said "ANITA'S HERE!" and several people said, "Where? I love Anita. She'd Brilliant!" And it's true. You are brilliant. You were missed. Your occasional comment here or there was alway greeted with cheers.

anita said...

blushing ................

so utah, i stole this video from you and put it on my blog.

i hope you don't mind!

Utah Savage said...

Of course not, you may steal anything you want. Better yet consider this a gift. I get so many gifts when I visit you.

jmsjoin said...

Thanks Utah, it was fun! the 27 year old seems to have found one that is mutually tolerant. I hope they have better luck than I did!

You know what you start with or you think you do but you have know idea what they are hiding or will turn into.

A man marries a woman hoping she never changes and a woman marries a man figuring okay I will change him. Well, at least in my experience the exact opposite happens.

My sons like me just want peace and friendship with their mate but their Mother her sisters and their Mother have seriously soured them on Women! I wish them well!

Crazy Ass Beastard said...

I can't get the video to play, will have to try again later to hear this song.

Utah Savage said...

Simstone, I reloaded the clip. I think it works now. If you have a problem hit your refresh button and try again. The Artist's name is Melody Gardot

Utah Savage said...

For some reason it's slow to load today. Even on You Tube it's slow to load. Hit the play button, make sure your volume is on and then do something else for a minute. Patience is a virtue, so Rilke says.

Utah Savage said...

And while we're waiting, Simstone, why did you disable the comments option at your blog? Inquiring minds want to know.

Crazy Ass Beastard said...

Damn, I love that sultry song! However, I don't think that she will be successful in finding that man who has no baggage to claim. Agreed?

The comments are open on most of the posts now even though I was initially planning on no comments ... just a site for reading and thinking ... kind of like a library where no talking is allowed. But it seems that blogging is more about having the freedom of commentary interaction than I had assumed. I stand corrected.