Is it possible to fall in love with someone you've never met, whose voice you've never heard, whose only words are typed upon a page, who lives in another country, who scares you a little? Maybe love isn't the right word, maybe it's only flirtation, or the time of night he speaks to you through the lines on a page, like the words in a dream, when you know that it's real and not real at all.
Is it possible? This must be a chick thing. I love the words people write, but somehow I don't attach them to the person who writes them. That must be a guy thing. Or it's just me.
Anyway, I really stopped by to say I have not given up. Taking a break. Maggy has struck a nerve and I need to sort some old shit out. I will be back. Matter of fact tomorrow's post is due to "Christmas Tradition". I hope you do not mind. I poached a quote.
MrC, I not only do not mind, I'm flattered. Quote away. You might bring me a new reader. I'm so glad to see you on my blog. I see you in my travels around the blogosphere, but seldom at my place. I get jealous. It's maybe a woman thing.
Without Sherlock Holmes or the guy Vincent D'Onofrio plays on Criminal Intent who knows every subject from chemistry to Marcuse, we have to do some ratiocination here to figure out the mystery man.
We're assuming it's a man because Utah having tried getting it on with women found she preferred me.
It's probably got to be a blogger of recent vintage who's active. AN AMERICAN HILLBILLY has left Guatemala to return to West Virginia, so he's out. That leaves:
I'm out because she's heard my voice on the radio show. I'm guessing Padre's out because I've only seen his posts at FranIam's and Tengrain's.
Dr Zaius's proper picture suggests that he's human and he lives in the USA. Ser Freddy remains a live possibility, but I'd have to be clear that Utah believes in a PLACE called HELL as part of her religion, philosophy or sense of eschatology and I'm not convinced she does. So, I'd say Freddy's less likely.
BBC is the man, then. His game is very strong. He's got charm. He's not that SCARY, though, but Occam's Razor's kind of shaving here, I think.
D-CUP: Mathman will tell you that -- yes indeed -- anything is possible because of the nature of our atomic structure and because of probability theory.
Leaving utiilty theory out of it, i.e. entertainment value, there IS some price at which there's expected financial value in betting that someone's sister Sue will be carried off in a giant Pterodactyl's beak. It's huge, huge odds, of course. A dollar should get you $10^SOME INSANE POWER, but there is a theoretical number.
I doubt we've exhausted all the possible names here. It's a pure back of the envelope job on my part but I've probably accounted for 65-75% of the area under the curve (see Mathman for details).
I'd bet BBC small (because of the lack of Fear Factor otherwise I'd bet him good) at maybe 4/1 odds against.
You've got a lot of nerve. I've never heard your voice. You will have to give me detailed instructions on how to listen to your radio broadcasts, since I'm a bit slow. And I loved that left of m in the word men. Was that Freudian or what!
Dcup, I know you know anythings possible, and if ever there was a cautionary tell about cyber romance, you've told it, fictionally speaking that is.
I have been looking for a reason to post something about falling in love. Thanks for giving me that reason. Whether you agree or disagree it is an interesting read. Be good.
Sorry, UTAH. I had referred to the show in context on the thread last night and you didn't remark that you hadn't heard it so I assumed you had.
It's up at
I cohost the show with them
That "sex" themed show is on now. I don't know if they have archive features. It's not up at HELL because our page is hard to load anyway and this would make it impossible. So, on Thursday's I put up links from the exec producer. But you can hear me on those very two spots above right now if you so desire.
This one is the fourth so far. The first was pre-election. Second post-election. Third was football. Fourth sex. I don't know yet what this coming Thursday's topic will be.
Sorry to be inattentive, but I've been writing. Now I'm hungry. I'll listen soon. Sometime. Soon. Do you talk the way you write? I so hate to realize that the man I'm fantasizing about isn't the real man at all. Dare I risk ruining the illusion?
Yes, I talk the way I write in terms of vocabulary and turns of phrase, but I have a very strong New York accent.
In Spanish, I have a Panamanian Jewish/Arab accent and speak with less inflection and my pronunciation is a little more elegant.
That was sort of by ear because I grew up speaking the Neoyorquino/Borinqueno Spanish which is like Spanish with the traditional New York accent.
I can't lose my New York accent in English at all. I've never tried but I lived in London a long time and it never changed. I lived in LA and Vegas and it never changed. I lived in Madrid and when I started speaking English again the New York accent was there.
I know shit about linguistics and I can explain all this better, but why bother?
Kelso, I like your voice just fine but the subject of "dick training a woman" was fine when you first started talking about it. "What I like vis a vis the sensation of my dick." Okay, fine, but then it got into how you as a man would not tolerate certain things. Like it's fine for you to not want to be bothered by a woman's sexual desire for you if you're just not into it, but if you don't get sex how and when you want it then you're out of there, snap your fingers and on to the next woman. There was a strange disconnect. You are in a relationship with a woman who you seem genuinely fond of, and yet... As if your caring only goes just so deep. As if you are impervious to love, need, and that you could shrug and move on to the next woman without the slightest twinge of loss or regret. It sounded rather callous and a bit shallow. I didn't want to see you as shallow and callous so I stopped listening. Maybe I should listen to you talk politics, because I liked listening to you talk politics.
The format hardly lends itself to in depth explanations of one's views. If you listen to the whole show and get the rhythm of it you'll perhaps hear things I say that fit your interpersonal worldview better.
I am from the city and the rhythm of the show is urban and fast and needling among friends. We get at important issues but this show was not meant to be an hour and a half at a relationship counsellor's office! It was meant to be a laugh and to probe and test and do a city the "dozens".
That was Torrance's vision for the show which I like and was happy to sign on to and Babz makes sure that the orignal idea is carried through with some structure.
That's not a self-defense. I'd chew broken glass for those two. And I love being part of it. If I'm not honest about who I am within the tone and texture of that moment I'm betraying the vision of the show.
I don't think you'd care for the politics, either. Babz is an instrumental urban machine Democratic loyalist. Torrance is a libertarian. I am a left-libertarian with more tolerance for classical interventionism.
These are not the garden variety political views of the liberal blogosphere. It's something different.
I'm a pleasant enough chap but I'm not El Principe Azul (Prince Charming), because no man is. Certain American men are sharpsters at saying the right things -- in London that character is called "the New Man"; I believe in New York he's called "Metrosexual" -- Latino life is different.
It's different in a million ways and a lot of how for example feminism is practiced down here is different. Women have closer pay equity and fewer "glass ceilings". Women can be much freer sexually. At the same time, a more aggressive, more traditionally masculine man is prized. Yet, both men and women are really over the top with the kind words and terms of endearment we use.
I've found a way to live with a bisexual woman and I'm totally relaxed and happy with that arrangement and my feelings for her are very deep. If you heard us speaking Spanish to each other it would sound like a corny soap opera of hearts and flowers, but she would expect nothing LESS of me than to have an aggressive will. And to understand when she wants to have sex with a woman.
It's what makes the world interesting. And the Big Pink People kind of duds in my mind.
UTAH: I've got the perfect explanation on the "callous" and "shallow" thing.
I'm extremely mellow about most stuff but I can be particular and cranky too. I grew very weary in the states with all this "communicating" business in place of having fun with a lover as a friend.
Down here, if a guy is real milquetoast who is always keenly attentive to every little twitch of his girlfriend's needs and is always following her around and wanting to "communicate" instead of go out and have a good time, he is not ever getting laid. EVAH!
A woman expects a man to have his private time, his work time, his friends, and his hobbies and if he's kind and courteous and genereous and they're a good match intellectually and sexually then that's gin.
Quite frankly, it took me some getting used to not making my own tea late at night or not heating up my own leftovers. Not doing my own errands. A woman here likes to be the damamayora even if she's a lawyer or a scientist.
Let's put my reference a different way. The translation of El Principe Azul is Prince Charming but in "los cuentos de hadas" (fairy tales) El Principe Azul is slightly different.
A gesture like paying for a really nice first communion for your girlfriend's son is GIANT. And means much more than "communication" and "how do you think I feel?" and all that gringo bs.
Kulkuri, you saw through Anita's comment about BBC and my comment back to her. After that it's all conjecture. But you have summed up my feelings about BBC, may he troll in peace.
Stella, are you lucky enough never to have had BBC Pay you a visit? I deleted three comment of his from my post today. He's an awful old misogynist and misanthrope. And boring. He isn't happy to insult you once, no, two or three nasty comments are usually his style. It must be something about me that makes him return over and over to be deleted.
Not lucky at all, Utah dear. I apologized: I thought you were talking about BBC.
Hell, yeah, I've been blog attacked by BBC who continually tells me that my involvement in politics doesn't make any difference and to get a life. I delete every comment I can find from him.
So you deleted three of his comments? Good for you. He's an absolute old misogynist. I'm not sure about misanthrope: I'm sure he's just fine with other men.
Wretched? Yes. His latest fucked up comment arrived on this post regarding the Palin turkey slaughter.
Cold hard fact of life, from a country boy. Turkeys have to die for us to enjoy them. I watched the vid on another blog, I like her in that role, but don't want her in national politics. I don't either, but I'll "betcha" not for the same reasons...
It was a set up anyway, there was only one man screwing around, I'll bet that as soon as she left it was a geared up slaughterhouse again.
These were his more sedate comments...
You have it, Utah: "He isn't happy to insult you once, no, two or three nasty comments are usually his style. It must be something about me that makes him return over and over to be deleted."
Let him read every word I've written. This is the kind of man who thinks he's better than women because he has a sagging old teabag.
I am a self-published writer of short stories, poetry, and politics. I'm a rescuer of dogs and stray cats. I believe everything is political—especially sex and religion.
Utah, PLEASE tell me you're not referring Mr. BBC here!!!
The love of my life. Oh how transparent I am.
That man can sweet talk the pants right off an old girl.
Is it possible? This must be a chick thing. I love the words people write, but somehow I don't attach them to the person who writes them. That must be a guy thing. Or it's just me.
Anyway, I really stopped by to say I have not given up. Taking a break. Maggy has struck a nerve and I need to sort some old shit out. I will be back. Matter of fact tomorrow's post is due to "Christmas Tradition". I hope you do not mind. I poached a quote.
MrC, I not only do not mind, I'm flattered. Quote away. You might bring me a new reader. I'm so glad to see you on my blog. I see you in my travels around the blogosphere, but seldom at my place. I get jealous. It's maybe a woman thing.
Without Sherlock Holmes or the guy Vincent D'Onofrio plays on Criminal Intent who knows every subject from chemistry to Marcuse, we have to do some ratiocination here to figure out the mystery man.
We're assuming it's a man because Utah having tried getting it on with women found she preferred me.
It's probably got to be a blogger of recent vintage who's active. AN AMERICAN HILLBILLY has left Guatemala to return to West Virginia, so he's out. That leaves:
DR ZAIUS (of Ape Nation)
I'm out because she's heard my voice on the radio show. I'm guessing Padre's out because I've only seen his posts at FranIam's and Tengrain's.
Dr Zaius's proper picture suggests that he's human and he lives in the USA. Ser Freddy remains a live possibility, but I'd have to be clear that Utah believes in a PLACE called HELL as part of her religion, philosophy or sense of eschatology and I'm not convinced she does. So, I'd say Freddy's less likely.
BBC is the man, then. His game is very strong. He's got charm. He's not that SCARY, though, but Occam's Razor's kind of shaving here, I think.
ERRATUM: "...found she preferred MEN"
Utah - anything is possible. Anything.
D-CUP: Mathman will tell you that -- yes indeed -- anything is possible because of the nature of our atomic structure and because of probability theory.
Leaving utiilty theory out of it, i.e. entertainment value, there IS some price at which there's expected financial value in betting that someone's sister Sue will be carried off in a giant Pterodactyl's beak. It's huge, huge odds, of course. A dollar should get you $10^SOME INSANE POWER, but there is a theoretical number.
I doubt we've exhausted all the possible names here. It's a pure back of the envelope job on my part but I've probably accounted for 65-75% of the area under the curve (see Mathman for details).
I'd bet BBC small (because of the lack of Fear Factor otherwise I'd bet him good) at maybe 4/1 odds against.
You've got a lot of nerve. I've never heard your voice. You will have to give me detailed instructions on how to listen to your radio broadcasts, since I'm a bit slow. And I loved that left of m in the word men. Was that Freudian or what!
Dcup, I know you know anythings possible, and if ever there was a cautionary tell about cyber romance, you've told it, fictionally speaking that is.
I have been looking for a reason to post something about falling in love. Thanks for giving me that reason. Whether you agree or disagree it is an interesting read. Be good.
Sorry, UTAH. I had referred to the show in context on the thread last night and you didn't remark that you hadn't heard it so I assumed you had.
It's up at
I cohost the show with them
That "sex" themed show is on now. I don't know if they have archive features. It's not up at HELL because our page is hard to load anyway and this would make it impossible. So, on Thursday's I put up links from the exec producer. But you can hear me on those very two spots above right now if you so desire.
This one is the fourth so far. The first was pre-election. Second post-election. Third was football. Fourth sex. I don't know yet what this coming Thursday's topic will be.
Sorry to be inattentive, but I've been writing. Now I'm hungry. I'll listen soon. Sometime. Soon. Do you talk the way you write? I so hate to realize that the man I'm fantasizing about isn't the real man at all. Dare I risk ruining the illusion?
Yes, I talk the way I write in terms of vocabulary and turns of phrase, but I have a very strong New York accent.
In Spanish, I have a Panamanian Jewish/Arab accent and speak with less inflection and my pronunciation is a little more elegant.
That was sort of by ear because I grew up speaking the Neoyorquino/Borinqueno Spanish which is like Spanish with the traditional New York accent.
I can't lose my New York accent in English at all. I've never tried but I lived in London a long time and it never changed. I lived in LA and Vegas and it never changed. I lived in Madrid and when I started speaking English again the New York accent was there.
I know shit about linguistics and I can explain all this better, but why bother?
Kelso, I like your voice just fine but the subject of "dick training a woman" was fine when you first started talking about it. "What I like vis a vis the sensation of my dick." Okay, fine, but then it got into how you as a man would not tolerate certain things. Like it's fine for you to not want to be bothered by a woman's sexual desire for you if you're just not into it, but if you don't get sex how and when you want it then you're out of there, snap your fingers and on to the next woman. There was a strange disconnect. You are in a relationship with a woman who you seem genuinely fond of, and yet... As if your caring only goes just so deep. As if you are impervious to love, need, and that you could shrug and move on to the next woman without the slightest twinge of loss or regret. It sounded rather callous and a bit shallow. I didn't want to see you as shallow and callous so I stopped listening. Maybe I should listen to you talk politics, because I liked listening to you talk politics.
I have come over just to see if the love affair has evolved and it's very obvious who holds the keys to Utah's heart...
well....3 minutes and one post later, maybe not....
but anything IS possible...
The format hardly lends itself to in depth explanations of one's views. If you listen to the whole show and get the rhythm of it you'll perhaps hear things I say that fit your interpersonal worldview better.
I am from the city and the rhythm of the show is urban and fast and needling among friends. We get at important issues but this show was not meant to be an hour and a half at a relationship counsellor's office! It was meant to be a laugh and to probe and test and do a city the "dozens".
That was Torrance's vision for the show which I like and was happy to sign on to and Babz makes sure that the orignal idea is carried through with some structure.
That's not a self-defense. I'd chew broken glass for those two. And I love being part of it. If I'm not honest about who I am within the tone and texture of that moment I'm betraying the vision of the show.
I don't think you'd care for the politics, either. Babz is an instrumental urban machine Democratic loyalist. Torrance is a libertarian. I am a left-libertarian with more tolerance for classical interventionism.
These are not the garden variety political views of the liberal blogosphere. It's something different.
I'm a pleasant enough chap but I'm not El Principe Azul (Prince Charming), because no man is. Certain American men are sharpsters at saying the right things -- in London that character is called "the New Man"; I believe in New York he's called "Metrosexual" -- Latino life is different.
It's different in a million ways and a lot of how for example feminism is practiced down here is different. Women have closer pay equity and fewer "glass ceilings". Women can be much freer sexually. At the same time, a more aggressive, more traditionally masculine man is prized. Yet, both men and women are really over the top with the kind words and terms of endearment we use.
I've found a way to live with a bisexual woman and I'm totally relaxed and happy with that arrangement and my feelings for her are very deep. If you heard us speaking Spanish to each other it would sound like a corny soap opera of hearts and flowers, but she would expect nothing LESS of me than to have an aggressive will. And to understand when she wants to have sex with a woman.
It's what makes the world interesting. And the Big Pink People kind of duds in my mind.
UTAH: I've got the perfect explanation on the "callous" and "shallow" thing.
I'm extremely mellow about most stuff but I can be particular and cranky too. I grew very weary in the states with all this "communicating" business in place of having fun with a lover as a friend.
Down here, if a guy is real milquetoast who is always keenly attentive to every little twitch of his girlfriend's needs and is always following her around and wanting to "communicate" instead of go out and have a good time, he is not ever getting laid. EVAH!
A woman expects a man to have his private time, his work time, his friends, and his hobbies and if he's kind and courteous and genereous and they're a good match intellectually and sexually then that's gin.
Quite frankly, it took me some getting used to not making my own tea late at night or not heating up my own leftovers. Not doing my own errands. A woman here likes to be the damamayora even if she's a lawyer or a scientist.
Let's put my reference a different way. The translation of El Principe Azul is Prince Charming but in "los cuentos de hadas" (fairy tales) El Principe Azul is slightly different.
A gesture like paying for a really nice first communion for your girlfriend's son is GIANT. And means much more than "communication" and "how do you think I feel?" and all that gringo bs.
Interesting that several commenters think BBC lives in a foreign country. He's in his own little world.
BBC could talk the pants back on any gal!!
Kulkuri, you saw through Anita's comment about BBC and my comment back to her. After that it's all conjecture. But you have summed up my feelings about BBC, may he troll in peace.
Stella, are you lucky enough never to have had BBC Pay you a visit? I deleted three comment of his from my post today. He's an awful old misogynist and misanthrope. And boring. He isn't happy to insult you once, no, two or three nasty comments are usually his style. It must be something about me that makes him return over and over to be deleted.
Not lucky at all, Utah dear. I apologized: I thought you were talking about BBC.
Hell, yeah, I've been blog attacked by BBC who continually tells me that my involvement in politics doesn't make any difference and to get a life. I delete every comment I can find from him.
So you deleted three of his comments? Good for you. He's an absolute old misogynist. I'm not sure about misanthrope: I'm sure he's just fine with other men.
Wretched? Yes. His latest fucked up comment arrived on this post regarding the Palin turkey slaughter.
Cold hard fact of life, from a country boy. Turkeys have to die for us to enjoy them. I watched the vid on another blog, I like her in that role, but don't want her in national politics. I don't either, but I'll "betcha" not for the same reasons...
It was a set up anyway, there was only one man screwing around, I'll bet that as soon as she left it was a geared up slaughterhouse again.
These were his more sedate comments...
You have it, Utah: "He isn't happy to insult you once, no, two or three nasty comments are usually his style. It must be something about me that makes him return over and over to be deleted."
Let him read every word I've written. This is the kind of man who thinks he's better than women because he has a sagging old teabag.
IS possible. All is possible.
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