I am not peaceful. I'm relieved and thrilled that we have elected Barack Obama. I'm happy with his choice for Chief of Staff. I'm glad he's getting briefed and has learned from the mistakes of others about setting priorities for picking cabinet level posts. But I'm furious that BushCo is going to waltz out of town whistling Dixie on the way to a peaceful obscurity somewhere in the south, maybe somewhere without extradition laws.
I want all the war criminals to stand trial at the Hague and eventually to have that bunch of crooks do time--preferably at Gitmo, getting waterboarded every morning before a breakfast of whatever they hate most, with weevils. Forever.
Other than that, I'm completely in favor of peace.
You are trying to make me purrrrrr, aren't you?
Yes, quite frankly I am.
Hey! It's looks like I can leave comments again! Um. Hi!
And should I leave you and Ten alone for a few minutes?
Ten is hit and run. Welcome back. I hope I didn't piss you off today getting aggressive with you new contributor. I was one of the uppity lefties who wanted to slit Jonah's throat when he showed up on your comments thread. And frankly when he ends the piece I forgot what I wanted to say to you. I'm kink of cruising for a knife fight. Not feeling terribly peaceful. I'm pissed off at California.
weevils? weevils?
hey darling, pissed at Cal? whatever for? oh, you mean our bigoted, pea-brained self-righteous populace that sent gays to the back of the pews again-to sit(or perhaps die) separately??? the idiocy escapes me, especially with the election of a black man! what sort of twisted system do we live in, I just don't get it so if you do, let me know..... it will be overturned again, which is so ridiculous. At least, I hope it can be overturned...is there some rule now that says it can't be overturned AGAIN??? My brother is gay and it really pisses me off that two people who clearly love and are committed to each other(20 years no less!) cannot be "married". Such hypocrisy, I just don't get it, especially in California...I don't get it.
Yes I am mad at california. Won't even capitalize it anymore. I feel a rant coming on.
Yes, Ghost, weevils. Bugs. Bugs for the bad.
Rahm Isreal Emanuel? This is not a good sign for change. Wonder what the Palestinians thoughts are.
Regardless of Emanuel or whomever Obama picks for this, that or the other post, most Murkans still buy Israel-always-good/Palestinians-always-bad
line. The key will be some more centrist types in the Knesset after those elections.
We'll still be an empire, Obama or not. We'll just be less of an overtly evil one.
What is pissing me off now is the MSM is repeating Bushevik lies. They are saying the Bushies are going to make this a smooth transition not like in 2001 when outgoing staffers ripped the "W's" off the keyboards. Is the media that is easy to fool or are they just willfully stupid???
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