I've been making an effort to clean up my potty mouth this past six or eight months. My friend, blog-mate, and administrator, Phillip at Sitenoise, has inspired me to try and speak my mind without resorting to the gratuitous F-bomb just because I like the F-bomb. I'm still as foul mouthed as ever in my everyday, solitary, screaming at the TV kind of life. But linguistically speaking, I probably have more in common with Rod Blagojevich, than I'd like to admit. At least we do use the same swear words way too much.
But today Blogo showed us all that he's not only a nasty, swearing prick with bad hair, he is also a master of the down and dirty political chess game. I can imagine Rod, across the table from Fitzgerald. Rod's blowing cigar smoke in Patrick's face, and using fuckity fuck fuck fucks in every sentence, banging the timer at the last second, timing his moves for maximum impact, and in a moment of incredible strategic genius, pulling that wise old shining black knight out of thin air and saying, "Checkmate." And fuck you too Obama, while he's at it.
There are reasons to allow Burris to hold the place, quietly, graciously, while the trial we all know is coming gets in full swing. So far, other than a rather large but seemingly legal campaign contribution to Blago, there doesn't seem to be much to disqualify Burris, and as Burris pointed out in an interview this evening, Blagojevich hasn't been convicted of anything yet (except maybe the gratuitous use of the F-bomb, bad hair and a real hunger for the graft).
But Burris is qualified, and he is black in Obama's state, a state with a large and attentive black population. Burris would fill the Senate seat of the one black Senator now moved on to a much tougher job. I think it's a scandal in itself that there are so few minorities in the Congress.
Harry Reed has said the Senate will not seat a Blagojevich appointment. Since Blagojevich hasn't been convicted of a crime yet, he does have a legal right and responsibility to fill the vacant Senate seat. And he correctly understands that we only have so much time to fuck around with complicated legal wrangling over the Senate's refusal to seat a legally appointed Senator. It's a smooth move from a very slimy operator. What a fuckface!
I hear that Bush is going to give old Blago a steatlth Pardon on the 19th.
No matter what kinda Cohiba smoke Blago is blowing in Fitz's face he oughtta be used to it now after a grown man who calls himself Scooter did it to him with a W. Sentence Commutation sticking out of his shirt pocket. Old Fitz is like the Buffalo Bills of prosecutors, he gets all the way to the big one and ends up getting rolled every time by forces outside of his reach. No flies on Bloggo either, maybe he can get a few black jury members to lean his way when they do put his pompadoured ass on trial !!!
Blago is in a grey zone. I heard a segment on PBS, the politicos trying to dissect the legal low down on the issue. They seemed to think the Senate can only reject the appointment if the person does not meet the constitutional standards, age, residence, citizenship-- just those kinds of technicalities.
IN the end Blago might have consulted an original suggestion from team Obama with this choice, but the big O himself said Balgo should not be able to appoint because it may be tainted or questionable.
Problem is it is sooooo expensive to hold an election. Legal proceedings can drag on for a long long time.
It does seem clear, the game will be over for Blago.
Exactly, which is why I think Burris is going to get a pass. Not unless Fitz has dirt on Burris, which I kind of doubt. Blago since the brush with Fitz has been searching for the one clean candidate that team Obama hadn't asked for. Take that motherfucker along with the appropriate Italian hand gestures.
Fuckity fuckity fuck. Nothing any politician does surprises me. Unless it's the right thing that will benefit the most humans and the planet. That would be kind of surprising.
Agree...it's a mess, and yes, I don't think legally they can prevent Burris from being appointed - yet.
Utah, hope you have a very happy 2009. Thanks for all the great blogging in 08!
i am only on the blagojevich side because i believe the right wing has found a 'cause' to take down obama. a new 'whitewater' if you will.
and i don't defend the pay to play concept but come on. it is not just happening in chicago it happens everywhere. i'm not defending it. and i do believe that selective self-righeousness has its limitations.
let an interim democratic senator step in (despite the circumstances) and let a REAL election happen at the right time.
to me, this whole thing is at attempt to bring obama down ... and hey, let's all say 'been there done that' and move on.
he's just ever so clever..... what goes around comes around.....
Jay Leno calls this guy Blagsonofabitch.
whathefuckyoutalkingaboutwillis?...i love the f word...bet you couldn't guess..i refuse to stop using it..im 65 years old..i can say fuck if i wanna...
and ole blago has ruined all his credibility...he can convince us to take the right man for the job cause he reommended him...
Yeah!! What the fuck is wrong with saying fuck??!!
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