Linked to the title is an LATimes piece. I have mixed feelings about the Meet the Press Job. I'm hoping it means he gives up 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I am not fond of Gregory at all. I liked him in the White House Press Corps because he seemed to annoy Bush and whomever had the job of Press Secretary, but I hated him hosting a show in prime time, five nights a week.
He does suck on 1600 Penn Ave. He might do better on MTP, but I am not holding my breath.
I am not sure about Gregory. His correspondent abilities seem adequate, but he does suck as a host of 1600. If he doesn't cut it, they will cut him in a heart beat. I am wondering if maybe they should not replace Russert with a relative unknown. Rob Caldwell, a local newsman here in Maine is one of the best interviewers I have ever seen. His interviews with Obama, McCain and other big players this last election were sensational. Maybe not him, but someone like him. Many of the local affiliates have some wonderful news people.
I hated when he took the election coverage anchor job away from Keith and Chris. Such a wimp! Did you hear Chris Matthews is thinking of running for the senate - Arlen Spector's seat. Interesting. He lost when he ran before. I may have my jewelry blog up by tomorrow, but, not holding my breath. Talk soon.
I got really tired of him during the campaign. We don't have TV any more so I haven't seen him on 1600 Penn Ave, but I can't see him as a replacement for Tim Russert!
Woo, more softballs on the way. No wonder I don't watch that tripe.
No one can replaced Tim Russert, but I had been hoping Chuck Todd would get the MTP seat.
Stick this one in the "Vey ist mir" files.
I have never seen a more embarrassing display than David Gregory being one of "Rappin'" Karl Rove's backup dancers.
Graves is right. Slowpitch all the way. By comparison with David Gregory, Bob Schieffer who plays golf with George Senior every week is like Gerg Palast.
I kind of agree with BeachBum, of that crowd Chuck Todd's the most interesting and seems the least biased.
Anybody who's had the treat of seeing Jeremy Paxman do the same job in England will never be able to do anything but laugh at the USA's Sunday chat shows again. By the way, the BBC International show "Hardtalk" is excellent and about 1/3 time has American issues as theme.
Chuck Todd is absolutely my favorite, but I'd rather see him covering news five evenings a week than one interview show once a week.
I think he is a poor substitute....
We may have become a bit sentimental about Big Russ now that he's dead. I didn't love him on Meet the Press. But news guys I really loved were Huntley and Brinkley, and on the right, I like that old scalp shifter Buckley. And I miss Dan Rather. Boy did Bush do a job on him.
Utah: I have my views but I like interesting right wingers, sometimes. Buckley was one. I think Buchanan is one and Ed Rollins as well.
I thought the Buckley/Vidal and Buckley/Galbraith series on PBS were outstanding. I'm sorry I wasn't living in US and don't get NBC here when Rachel Maddow and Pat Buchanan did discussions together. I've seen some of the youtubes and they were just way smarter than any other left/right tandem.
Rather and Mark Cuban have a satellite show, but I really don't watch enough TV to go to the bother of it. The cable service I have is fine.
Buchannon is such an old troglodyte. He has to have the dirt dusted off every time they pull him out of the crypt. But he does have a good tailor. And he doesn't really have any respect for a woman--he's of the generation that thinks women should stay home and bake pie.
I think Chuck Todd would be marvelous for MTP!
Me too, Dusty.
all of them are beholden to the powers that be--it's why they keep their job and move on up the ladder. give me independent media like Democracy Now anyday!
I was really hoping that Chuck Todd or Andrea Mitchell would be named as the next moderator of Meet The Press. David Gregory is such a disappointment. I wonder who will replace Gregory on MSNBC.
Yes, Huntley and Brinkley were the best. But I agree with Kelso's nuts: if Maddow and "Troglodyte" Buchannan hosted Meet the Press, that would be amazing.
David Gregory works for me. I'd choose Greg Palast, but that would be biased. Oh, well...
I'm all for Gregory on MTP if they give 1600 Pennsylvania to Chuck Todd. But Gregory pisses me off daily. I'd be able to tolerate one hour of him on Sunday, but I probably wouldn't watch the show unless it was a really interesting guest. Come to think of it, I'd like to see Gregory interview two people. Chimpy all by himself--no Pickles by his side, and Palin all by herself. For an hour. Ahhahha!
And I too would rather have Palast anywhere but Keith or Rachel's time slot. I've read a book or two of his. He's great.
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