Well it's that time again. Nick is back in town and we are going to see Slum Dog Millionaire.
And just in case you're reading from your RSS Feed, here is the link
I'll be busy in the morning getting presentable, and then there's the movie, and then I'll need to eat, and then, I read a blog or two, but I will get to you later in the day, so don't think I'm not paying attention, or skipping you. I swear before the year is over I will be by.
Thanks for the suggestion Linda Sama, we're taking your advise.
Supporting The Troops, 2025 Version
3 hours ago
Have a wonderful time...relax and enjoy!
have fun, sis, I hope you like it because I loved it. in fact, I'm going to see it again on New Years Day. and the grittiness of India? it's all that and then some. and frankly, that's why I love Ma India because she's in your face 24/7...if you want to read a real "slum story" read my post:
p.s. my favorite scenes are the train scenes....I've been on those trains throughout South India.....
A buoyant hymn to life? Fuck that. I'm waiting for Angsty Angst the Angster and the Angst Brigade part nine.
Congratulation are in order for Barak Obama's Successor in the US Senate, Roland Burris who was just appointed by Governor Rod Blagojevitch.
May Roland Burris serve with equal distiction to Barak Obama!
Illinois is lucky to have such a WISE Governor.
and if you can somehow tie in Roland Burris to Slumdog Millionaire that would be special! ;)
We saw it Christmas Day. Loved it.
As for tying Slumdog to Blago -- maybe Burris is analogous to the photo of the movie star that miraculously remains crap free despite being held by someone who does a cannonball into a privy?
Nan your comment is perfect. As always.
What is it with anonymous commenters that they behave so stupidly? It's like wearing a pair of pantyhose over your head, or a ski mask. They usually write tripe, off topic and out of their league, juvenile and foolish. Are they that childish in the real world?
Randal, did you miss Blindness? My blog-mate Phillip of Sitnoise, wrote a scathing and hilarious review of Blindness, it might be just the movie for you.
now everybody will want to be a slum dog :( link
Linda Said, "...the grittiness of India? it's all that and then some. and frankly, that's why I love Ma India because she's in your face 24/7."
This is the reason I have never taken the opportunity to go to India. I am no Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim. I hate crowds, and despite the fact that I live in a smallish space and smoke, my nose is rather sensitive. I've read so many books set in India, the past and the present India, and I might like the mountainous parts of India for its beauty, I might like the people, but I hate crowds and am not a woman who loves all of humanity, just because. And then there is the crush of stinking humanity. The scene Nan refers to is the perfect metaphor for the reason I have no desire to go to India, or China, or any number of other places on the globe that might have great charm and beauty that runs parallel with and is adjacent to the shit-hole of humanity. I am not Mother Theresa, or the enlightened one. I'd rather say home, now that I'm old. As close as I want to get to the crush of humanity is at the grocery store. I traveled when I was young. I'd have been up for all kinds of adventure when I was young. Not anymore.
but what did you think of the movie?
The movie is great!
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