If you post a comment on my blog and you are anonymous with no back track link, and I find your comments offensive, I will delete your comments. It's my space and I do not have to give you a forum for your bullshit. So if you want a place to publish your stupid crap, start your own blog. Even if you have a blog, like the old misogynist fart BBC, when I find your comments offensive I will still delete your comments. Just so we're clear on this. This is my space. You don't have to read me, and I don't owe you a forum for your offensive material.
I delete "misogynist fart BBC" comments whenever I find them. He's got his own blog and can leave his bullshit comments there.
Bravo, Maestra Savage! You're absolutely right. Now, what about bloggers who tend to leave long, rambling posts with links to everywhere?
Depends on whether or not they are promoting my own agenda. Not exactly PC of me, but if someone more patient and with better linky skills to information i haven't tracked down, I might let it stay. Kelso is famously long winded, but usually engaging enough to get to speak his mind. But if what he says makes me cry, I might delete him. He wants to take my hope away. My hope may be misplaced, but still, I'm not giving up yet. Obama hasn't even been sworn in.
You're a tough one, Ms. Savage. I was referring to my own rants. Blogs don't have to be PC: they are your creation. I consider writing on my blog the freedom to do what ever I want. And censoring whomever I want.
I love your blog. If you don't mind me saying so, you don't need to have people walking over your wonderful creation with muddy boots.
Obama will have a difficult time overturning Chimpy's swath of destruction. I just want to support him, and don't envy his new job.
You go girl!! Give'em hell. I agree with you all the way.
I got sick of anonymous comments, you can disable them you know! I did! As far as I am concerned if you have the balls to say it identify yourself and defend it!
Oh bless you my friend..bbc has been a pain in my ass from the first day he found my blog..then after he pissed me off and I ran him off he went to everyone on my blog roll and would visit them and leave his meanness there...he's banned from most of the blogs I know..
and right now I'm so pissed at President Elect Barak Obama I could just spank him. How dare he pick that wakko?...Jeez, I hope he changes his mind..Maybe if enough people email him or write him he will...
Ps..I'm blog rolling you too..I use bloglines that way ole BBC can't find my readers and go pester them.
If you've been getting a lot of anony a-holes, just disable that comment feature. It's part of your blog settings, UT. That way you don't even have to read their spew.
I kind of enjoy telling them to fuck themself by just completely deleting them. one push of the button and they are gone as if they never existed, and they've expended they energy for nothing. But just so they know I'm going to do this, i post this little notice now and then.
I take peverse pleasure in deleting comments from BBC in particular.
Average Patriot, thank you for commenting on not allowing anonymous comments. I'm fixing our blog now.
One reason I don't disable anonymous comments is that I like readers who don't have blogs, but might want to comment. There is a way for an "anonymous" commenter to leave a comment and not get deleted--leave your name at the bottom of your comment, and don't say anything terribly stupid and offensive.
I just don't like anonymous on general principles. At least have the energy to make up a name.
I've never gotten more than nine comments, half of which were me answering the generous, kind-hearted soul who offered an opinion.
Even when I grandstand no one notices. I posted one episode last year about a woman masturbating all night on a hotel rug, because it provided an especially pleasurable friction. One young man in Belgium thought that was interesting.
I described after-sex,with a particular character, as making a woman feel like ice cream. By mistake I included the word: mint. Mint ice cream. When I removed the mistake--who feels like mint?--two men insisted they liked the mint idea. And I pleaded to a nonexistent audience of girlfriends, come on, anyone ever feel minty? Silence.
But of course one should remove all offensive remarks. Anyone who gets them, that is.
Kathleen, you are the make my day woman.
Wow! You actually get comments?! I wouldn't mind some anonymous trolls once in a while! I get like, a comment for every 3-5 posts sometimes. That shows how sucky my stuff is! I now feel like eating a big bowl of mint ice cream! Just kidding! I go through stages with comments. Its getting better lately. Those rightys who don't have the guts to give their rants a name really suck!
Micgar, you must have been somewhere around Dcups, where I believe the topic of mint ice cream came up?
Nevermind Micgar, twas somewhere interesting I knew, like right here in my own comments thread.
By the way, I don't happen to think swearing is offensive. But dumb assed right wing anti-labor religiosity without compassion--that material is offensive to me.
yeah it was the mint ice cream thing at Dcups-(sorry I got busy with the holiday stuff!)
Just wanted to say: I love your blog!!
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