I've been having erotic dreams longer than most of you have been alive. Maybe you're all the children of my erotic dream non-couplings. Now that's a thought. I did dream once upon a time that I wanted children, lots of them. And here you are, all grown up and on your own. That is the sort of mother I might have been--farm them all out until grown. Then welcome only the pretty successful ones home. Is this a story brewing a life warping vision in my brain?
I really only need to tell you one of my erotic dreams to give you an idea of what went wrong with men and me. But Ill leave that for later.
First I'll tell you the most baffling of my erotic dreams. I was living in Italy at the time. Hanging out with the famous artists, and in this case actually spending a weekend at Arnoldo's country house near Zemi. No dream yet. Like I've said before, Arnaldo's room was given to me, while the guys all slept in the big dorm sized room with lots of beds. But in Arnaldo's room there was only one bed, and it was huge. The bed itself was a slab of stone on a pedestal. On top of that slab of stone were layers of goose-down mattresses. The linens were white and actually handkerchief linen. Pillows of every size, all with white linen cases. But the comforter was a weightless expanse of seamless fur. It was a long grey fur. Maybe fox or lynx, but gray the same color of the stone. Before I'd moved to Italy I had modeled at the grand old I Magnin in downtown San Francisco. So I modeled plenty of furs. And to my way of thinking they were mostly too heavy. Lovely yes, but heavy. Especially the long haired furs. And too much fur for most women. But the fur on this bed was as weightless as if it floated.
I had modeled with only two women in Italy that really wowed me and one of them was Danielle Luna the only black model I had ever seen. She and Verushka were roughly the same size. Both about six feet tall, thin with beautiful bones and skin. Verushka had very white skin and almost platinum hair. Danielle was built the same but with very dark skin and blueblack hair. And I had worked with them once. We'd done a shoot for Milan's biggest luxury department store. Because I was the shortest of the three of us, and mid range in coloring, I was positioned between and in front of them. Perspective is everything.
Never mind. Let's get back to the erotic dream. I am taking a nap in Arnaldo's bed. And Danielle Luna is floating above me as I sleep. She doesn't actually touch me so much as run her hands above my naked sleeping body. Every hair on my body is electrified and the wave of air as her hand passes produces each hair's orgasm. She puts her mouth on mine and we both float just above the fox fur which also waves like a gentle sea beneath. My entire body is an orgasm from the tips of the hair on my head to the soles of my feet. I awaken alone in a glistening sweat twisted in the linen sheet. When I go downstairs, Tony Delrentzio looks at me and says, "you're blushing." And I blush, guiltily.
I read this earlier, before you added the picture of my wife on there. I had to think about what I would say and then I realized it would be something like it is humbling to read this, because it stretches the breadths of what we realize is possible, and that is the hardest part of achieving.
(Crap, that sounds like one of those inspirational posters they have on the wall where I work (as a security guard).)
This brought a dream of mine to mind I think you;d like (though not erotic, but let me tell you about the long-ass dream I had with Johnny Depp in it the other day, too.) Soon.
I forgot to check the box.
Oh, you took off that other pic. They (You) are both lovely.
Glad you are the first to read it. I dedicate this to you, here, not on the front where it might embarrass you. To bad I don't look like that any more. I could get a mod haircut, but still, cute as I am, I'd still be too old for you. But if I had money, I'd do something very extravagant for you. Cause you know I love you. Even if you fail all your classes, I'd still love you. Maybe you're one of my children. I'm so sorry I embarrassed you one day, not meaning to at all, just fooling around. But I'll try very hard never to be so careless again.
Hi Utah-
I SO love your erotic dream. Ahhhhhhhh............
I felt and saw it. Thanks.
great dream. great vignette. you may turn into the queen of erotic stories on the internet ... or even better yet, beyond.
that picture of you haunts me because there is something about you that is so much like my older sister (who died when she was 25 and i was 17). her hair was exactly like that, she had a beautiful face ... and, as you can imagine, my two eldest sisters ... older than her ... were extremely, extremely jealous of her because she really was the 'beauty' in the family and the older two girls had weight problems and bad skin. my sister wasn't model-beautiful like you, but she had a similar loveliness that drew many people (including lots of men) to her.
regarding erotic dreams ... i had one about my shrink they other night. how weird is that? i'm certainly not going to tell him about it. or maybe i should ... it's a conundrum to be sure. he's no italian hunk, just a talk dorky skinny shrink. i'd given him a 10 on "good shrinkdom" and a 1.32527 on "johnnydeppness."
you were and are a very beautiful woman, dear heart....I like seeing one of you, even if it isn't current...your self-portrait is even better..
anyway, in your telling of the dream, as always, I was mesmerized in the telling but I have to tell you that the BED...OMG, was the bed really like that? the stone platform, the linen, the fur...it is my dream bed...how'd you know? oh, I must be one of the kids...I forgot! teehee....oops, I forgot, I'm old too....
I love inspirational posters!
Anything is possible if you wish it and you get a government bailout and one of those Old Testament flaming swords of death!
That photo fits your dream perfectly. Now I'm jealous for never having erotic dreams. The price of being pretty unsuccessful. C'est la vie.
I still have the occasional erotic dream, although they are not as frequent as they once were. Regardless when I do have them I wake up with a feeling of longing, and sometimes great sadness. I think maybe I am just missing something.......
Anita, I'm bettingyou know that it not unusual to fall in love/eroticdreamlove with your shrink. If you didn't he probably wouldn't be any good. This is part of the reason I have a female shrink.
I loved that photo of you the other day, because I thought we could be related. Sounds terribly narcissistic doesn't it?
Randal, so no wet dreams for you? That is I believe the male version of an erotic dream.
Linda, the bed is/was real. It was a very long time ago, so no saying if it still exists in that fashion, but that's the way it was then.
"I'm having what she's having"..
damn. I merely have very primal help I'm being chased kind of dreams. You know the kind that leaves you entangled in your own bedding and leaves you to wake with a big badass headache to boot!!
MAN! I want your kinda dreams..
alas, I'm thinking pre-menopause is knockin' on my door, I haven't felt 'anything' lately..so how can you even dream about it?? damn damn damn...
MadMike, you are a very rare man indeed. I would so love to know what these dreams are like for you? I mean what is their content? Specific detail? Or just feeling?
Ingrid this dream happened when I was 21. I am now sixty four. I barely dream at all anymore. And I'm poorer for the lack of dream life. I miss dreaming. I'd rather dream than live, most days. My life is peaceful, and in many ways a better life than it was when I was so young and so psychically wounded that I could not enjoy the gifts I had. Now I live entirely in my head, on the page, in memory. I'm barely a person at all. Certainly not much of a woman.
Jaysus, I got hot and bothered just reading this..whew!!!!!!!!
I remembered to check the box. ;p
Truly, your reality surpasses my wildest dreams. But your dreams, or at least this one? It happens to me in real life more frequently than I can claim without blushing.
All right, to be perfectly honest, experiences that are only similar to your erotic dream occur fairly often. I know about every follicle having its own orgasm and floating and barely touching. Waking to find the phantom lover gone and me sweating? A little snooze can do all that.
But the fur and Danielle Luna? Her specific mouth on yours?
No, of course not. Guess I gave myself a pass on various, significant details because the rest was such a total match.
Well Kathleen, I wanna be you.
What is this box where of you speak Dusty? And why am I losing "followers?"
One Dream of the Erotic Kind..
gees, I usually have three or four............................................. before my ten o'clock coffee break. At night I usually just dream of "Bowling For Dollars". It's what getz me through the night.
The box where you subscribe to the comments on this thread Peg. ;)
You wouldnt see it here, but would on other bloggers blogs.
Great picture, Utah. And thanks for the vision of your erotic dream! Mine usually involve some weird situation or unexpected person, and we usually get interrupted (darn!)...so that I wake up and think, "Whatever made me dream THAT about HIM - or HER (as the case may be!)"
Okjimmmmmm So glad to hear you're dreaming. And thanks for making an appearance. I get so jealous of Anita sometimes. Must be a sibling thing. She hosts such elegant little afternoon parties (I'd say that in French and did out loud--starts with a soir... I think) and I get there and all the male morsels have disappeared. Then I have to stalk you for awhile.
How did I miss this? Damn, Utah, you don't write with words, you write with image, emotion, and sensation. All of a sudden, I'm not reading a blog, but experiencing something new.
Utterly amazing.
I have lost focus, the picture the story. Grading Papers - I doubt it.
Mathman, what is it you doubt?
Doubt - that I'll grade papes.
I spy on you on twitter. I know what you're doing. I won't tell on you though.
I think orgasms experienced in dreams are real. So the body responds to the stimulus of the mind. Thus the sweating and blushing. Never underestimate the power of the brain to shut down arousal or push it forward. At least that is so for women. Maybe not so much for men. For men I believe the stimulus is more visual, and more localized. Thus the power of porn for men. I have yet to see any porn that didn't have an ick factor for me, thus doing exactly the opposite of stimulating me.
Oh, I shouldn't generalize about women. There are plenty of women who like porn. I wasn't one of them. Those days are over for me. It would take a lot of trust and love for me to allow that kind of arousal anymore. And since I have one male friend and we have agreed that we are more likely to maintain a friendship the rest of our lives if we keep it platonic, so to speak. I have not had great luck in the romantic, sexual love department. More on that another time. Who knows maybe later tonight.
Well now I see what got MathMan all hot and bothered tonight. The Actor says you're pretty, too. You have half this house drooling over you. That includes me.
Your picture is fabulous. Your writing is other-worldly.
I rarely remember a dream. They say we dream all the time anyway, whether we remember them or not.
I have a wondrous fantasy life that has enriched (and sometimes endangered) my everyday enormously. And I really don't feel repressed.
I used to have a recurring nightmare though as a little boy. I think Disney's Ward Kimbell inspired it: one of those surrealistic landscapes where you're being chased. I'd wake up to find I had cut off the circulation in an arm or something. Did that cause the dream or did the dream bring great tension. Who knows? But if I repressed maybe that was the cause.
I'm delighted to report I experienced wet dreams as a teenager. Somehow preadolescent masturbation eluded me. )t WAS the '50s, I being the only elder here apparently with more time in than Utah.) They were tremendous learning experiences! Apparently you can continue to have them forever as long as you don't unload. I never measured up to that challenge though.
When I do have the occasional erotic dream I treasure it. It always involves a lady I know or knew---and sometimes is quite surprising as to who it is. I have been known to share such dreams with those people. Hmmm, that might be a good opening line: I had a dream about you last night. Might try it in The Wulfshead.
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