Oh yes I did. Six hundred and one posts in one year. I moved into the little house as a way to simplify my life and live in a space I designed and felt was really mine. It's small, and if I were not so damn averse to the domestic arts, would be a breeze to keep spotless. I was trying to finish a novel I started thirty years ago. I wanted solitude and no distractions. So I moved in with my nineteen year old cat and my ten year old dog. It's very quiet back here. I have my own garden, the gazebo, a private driveway and it's gated. There's even a tennis court across the alley, and if I wanted to, I have permission to use it. My place is posted with "Beware of Dog" signs. No one comes back here uninvited, except Melea. The dogs are serious.
I have a friend in Portland, Larry, (actually he was my very first boyfriend) who said he'd help me do a final edit. When I got ready to send him chunks of the book, our computers were incompatible. I worked on a Dell PC in Word, he worked on a Mac and I didn't know how to convert what I worked on, into something he would be able to read, and he didn't know how either. That's where the charming, capable, and very talented Phillip, of Sitenoise, came into my life. I still have trouble with the lingo. I think it's possible that at least once a week I embarrass or irritate Phillip in one way or another, and yet he keeps talking to me. I could be paranoid, but then again, maybe not. Larry and Phillip were friends, and Phillip was the one who helped Larry (who is also a writer) when he needed technical help now and then. Larry had the nerve to ask Phillip to help me. I often wonder if he regrets the decision to help me out. Because here we are a year and a half later, and now we're linked, publicly.
I'm not sure I've ever met a more generous man than Phillip. If you're Phillip's friend, you're damn lucky. He's smart. He's funny. He can write really well, and does. And he's a patient and persistent teacher. The things I have learned in this short time amaze me every day. I would never have made the attempt to do this without his help. And one of the things he insisted would make a big difference in my writing experience was to get me on a Mac. I love my IMac. It was my last big splurge. Phillip picked the goodies I might need to make my writing life easier. He gave me music files and other goodies. I have the world at my finger tips thanks to Phillips guidance.
Young friends who live in New York were visiting in Salt Lake a year ago and insisted, after reading a small inflammatory opinion piece of mine, that I blog. That's where the 'splaining came into it. Web log eh? So in seconds, David had set up a blogger account for me and we'd given me a name. I was in business. And politics was getting interesting. So here I am, one year later. And though I write about a lot of things, politics is at the heart of it all. Because I believe that everything is political. Everything.
And I'm ready to step it up a notch. I will, of course, need Phillips help. But there's no need to rush into anything. I'm seeing things here and there at your places and I want them too. Oh yes, now I want it all. I want to win a writing contest again. I want to publish at least a story. I'd love nothing more on earth than to publish the novel. And yet, I still haven't made those last few changes, those copy edit niceties like spelling things right. Many of you have helped me there. Thanks. Keep it coming. I owe thanks to so many of you. You are a very generous and kind bunch of people. Diverse, far flung and engaging. My virtual family.
Maybe, like Lisa, the blogger formerly known as Dcup, I'll have a coming out party. Oh, not that kind. I mean write as Peggy and not hide behind the savage exterior. I can hang onto Savage--it is a family name.
Supporting The Troops, 2025 Version
3 hours ago
I'm always learning new things on my computers everyday. Michael is a genius when it comes to them, so with his help I've been able to do more and more things.
Congrats again on all your posts. It will be fun to see all our progress in the year to come.
Thank you dear for showing up with you kind, encouraging words. I think it's going to be an interesting year.
Congratulations on your milestone. The evolution of a style is always a treat to watch.
Happy Birthday, Utah. I am so happy to have met you this year.
(Where do you want me to put this moldy dick I brought?)
I cut my hair today in a mod style just for you Freida of the Bees. You can put your moldy dick anywhere you want.
i'm still trying to navagate my computer. i'm not up on the lingo. i doubt i ever will be but i can do what needs done and i love blogging. my son-in-law showed me how and he is surprised at how much it has become a part of me.
someday, i hope to have my book of poems done.
hey, it keeps me off of the streets and out of trouble, sort of!
What's a computer? Isn't that where they store the porn?
Congratulations! Wow, 601 posts! I never came close to that so far!
I hope 2009 is the year you get your novel published!
Wow. 601 posts in one year. That's quite a few words and thoughts shared. Like many others, I am glad to have run across your blog. It has helped me with my own efforts.
I think you've just scratched the surface of what you'll do with this blog. Congratulations on your one year milestone. I'm looking forward to many more posts, prose and politics from you.
Thank you for the link, Peggy.
601 posts! I was happy with the 50 odd that I got out. Looking forward to the next 601. Maybe by then I will have the three stories I'm doing now finished. I just can't get in the grove lately.
if i don't learn something new everyday i consider it a wasted day..
when i started blogging almost 4 years ago..i just wanted to piss people off..then i really started having fun...but i have told my real name, my real city, my real state and told my entire life story and with music...every body that reads me knows absolutely everything there is to know about me..including i shot my last husband..im an open book...life is good
CONGRATULATIONS, Peggy.... I can only hope to grow up and blog like you someday!!
this may be my first comment here but not my first visit (we have some mutual friends in common)
i am really looking forward to hearing what you have to say about 2009 and congrats on your first year
happy anniversary to you Peggy!
duh! i just realized I had never stolen your http thingy after you had stolen mine
but now i have
and in case you need it some day I'm Steve
well i'm all about monkeys and chaos!
601? Call me when it's 666. I'm all about the evil. :)
Pidomon, Steve, UC, the wild ones are at the party. Now where did Freida of the Bees leave Moldy Dick? If you haven't read her latest post, it's hilarious.
I'm near broakbacked after spending the day shoveling the shit that is a ton of snow, and it's still falling. Usually I'd be posting away about the idiocy of Harry Reed, that mealy mouthed Mormon bastard who hasn't the sense and grace to seat Burris. Burris looks better and better. Such dignity in the face of such Jr. High childish posturing crap.
YDG how did I miss that reference to shooting your last husband. Why didn't I think of that. You might be wanting to write a short story about that and join the Deadly Women Write group. We are doing a lot of writing about "fictional" violent mayhem, murdering mates right and left. It may be what keeps some of us from doing it in real life.
I toyed with the idea of coming out once but if everybody found out I'm really Sarah Palin nobody would want to talk to me anymore.
I miss you woman. I've been out of touch for a week or so and missing writing/reading. Back on Sunday, can't wait. Congrats on your milestone, you've made a difference in MY life.
Been sick, but am here to say happy anniversary. You and Arianna are the queen of all blogs.
HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY! I am so happy we found each other. I love your writing so much. I am thrilled to hear that you're getting your work out there! You rock, sistah, you're an inspiration.
*601* savage posts in one year, and they all seem to come straight from your heart! CONGRATS!
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