It's not a good idea to borrow a man to fix a pipe. But sometimes it's a necessity. Fortunately she doesn't need him today, and he's willing. I fixed a late breakfast and he gave me the running commentary on how each step worked, explaining as he worked, never realizing that I was really listening to the train ride from Pennsylvania to Washington DC. It's the beginning of a new era, and I'm not about to stop paying attention to it to learn a little about teh plumbing. Truth is I never will learn anything about teh plumbing. I am willfully ignorant about so many things. I do not need to know it all. My knowledege is speciallized too. I do not expect him to either follow what I'm doing or have any interest in having it explained to him in great detail. I know, he isn't asking for my help, but if he were--and I could write something for him, I'd do it. I did fix lunch. I fed him. I fixed him coffee. I looked for rags and tools, I pretended to understand. It's the best I can do. It's also the least I can do.
So the kitchen sink faucet no longer drips. And now you can turn off the water at the back of the area beneath the sink, instead of at the street in front of the main house.
And tomorrow we will tackle the same problem under the bathroom sink. And from there who knows?
My girlfriend, his paramour, called twice while he was here--she did not talk to me. I always worry about the insecurities and needs that go into relationships and make them mine-fields. I try to stay out of the lives of the men who populate the lives of women I love. It's just too tricky. But David offered, and my need was great, and he fixed the leak, and I'm glad.
Utah, I am married to the handy type of guy David apparently is. Many times my women friends and neighbors have asked him to come fix their furnace, do something to their plumbing or wiring, or make their computers run again. I am very happy he is able to help them out! And I'm glad you have a David who can help you out, because you live too far away for my DH to come help you! ;-) I think they really enjoy being asked to help!
O hope you're right. Next round tomorrow early.
i think it's OK and you handled it all well.....
i also think it is very kewl what Obama is doing with his Lincoln train ride....
it is sometimes tough asking for help with plumbing etc.
I'm glad he offered and glad you accepted.
A friend of mine has a husband who is a plumbing engineer who works for the state government. Every so often someone will call and ask if he can unplug their drain but he doesn't do that stuff. Ah, who would have known you could just learn the philosophy of plumbing without ever having to handle a wrench or a plunger?
'Design of Process and Fluid Flow Systems' kind of sounds like what God does, eh?
Plumbing as high art, Susan. I have the notion that men must be handy. I know it's old fashioned, but that's my stereotype and my desire, so I'm hanging on to it. It doesn't do me a hell of a lot of good since I have no handy man in my own life. Only the kind one borrows. Maybe that's the best kind.
Phillip is my computer handy man. I would be lost without him. But I've never laid eyes on him. He lives in San Francisco.
Geez, and you even got a plumber who doesn't have the proverbial "butt crack" thing going on!! I learned way to much from my plumber husband. I can fix the basics, but if it gets intricate - I'm dialing the phone!!
I would like to find a handyman to fix all the things that need fixing here at the Spotted Moose. M is handsome but not quite so handy.
Have a great weekend.
Mr. Bee is a handiman, and can do a lot around the house, but buttcrack is included. It's fine by me. I think my buttcrack gets spied from time to time, too.
I have, however, heard more than one tale about teh ladiez coming onto him in his general-man-about-town-fix-it-upper-builder job.
That's ok. I wait around for the UPS man, but no one ever send me packages. That reminds me. I've got to go place an order on Amazon. Oh, praise ye internets! my sordid imagination... he's fixin' another sort of pipes of yours....sorry.... but... I can't....keep... the... image....away.... ;-)
You might not be at such a disadvantage not having a man of your own around. At least there's always the possibility of borrowing one with the right skills rather than having your own improvise because it's the manly thing to do.
I think it's great that he offered to help. Learning to accept help is hard and I'm glad you took it when offered!
I'm just glad his name wasn't JOE.
DK you are wicked.
"I try to stay out of the lives of the men who populate the lives of women I love. It's just too tricky." boy, do I ever concur.
I almost feel like I'm intruding on a secret society.
Thank you for this post.
I am a plumber who has saved many a "damsel in distress".
Speaking for us men who help out our wives' & girlfriends' friends, it's a pleasure to help, especially when it's appreciated...
A little coffee, a bagel, some pleasant conversation and a "thank you" makes our day.
Believe me, we're not all neanderthals...
It feels good to be "borrowed".
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