Harry Reid's problems are not so easily fixed. Reid is so annoyingly stupid we must find someone with a brain and a less annoying affect to be the Majority Leader of the Senate. Move over Harry, you're too dumb to lead anything. Yes, I know Blago offends us all, but he did one very smart thing in picking Roland Burris to fill Obama's vacant Senate seat.

Burris is qualified to fill the seat and he may be the only Chicago politician who could stand the scrutiny. He is not wealthy enough nor influential enough to buy the appointment, and he is a nice, charming, well spoken... Bla, bla, bla. Yes, Harry Reid has met with Burris and has pronounce him "a nice, charming, well spoken..." "Clean?" was clean the word you were looking for Harry? Yes, the photo ops abound today, more on that tomorrow. But really, Harry, when you put me to sleep while talking to David Gregory on Meet the Press, you're one very dull bit of Milk Toast. Milk-Toast Harry, the Mormon Male, it's time to move over.
hope you feel better and whatever the doc gives you helps.
couldnt agree more about MTH and your read on Burris.
Sit the guy let him carve US Senator into his mausoleum and be doe with it for 2 years.
I'm sick also Utah but not so sick I can't take the time to agree with you completely. Harry needs to bite the bullet, move out the Mormon, and do the right thing for a change.
glad you are seeing a doctor. that awful creep'n misery has been in the areas here since before xmas and i know some folks that ended up with pneumonia from it.
reid? he's an embarassment!
Pidomon, I did hear that Burris is a big fat egomaniac but who in the Senate isn't'?
Mike, so glad to see you here, but don't sneeze on me, please. Mormons politicians are all douchebags, How about my Senator Orin Hatch? How about that fat cat, with no stance on anything that might make him unpopular, Mitt Romney? Harry is soooo embarrassing, and I'm not from Nevada.
Sherry, thanks for the good wishes. I feel better already. I'm so goosed up on steroids I'll be up all night. Plan on a visit around 2 AM.
feel better, sis. did you know that Burris was the first African-American elected to statewide office in Illinois? in the '70s? in the Land of Lincoln? Lincoln who freed the slaves?
you missed my interview today:
I am so with you. Let Burris take the office already! Reid is a moron.
Hope you feel better soon Utah!
Linda, I'll be by in the middle of the night. Ib sick. And yes, I've been paying close attention to Burris' credentials. And his are better than most.
Hi Ms, Mauigirl, sorry I haven't been around much, I was too busy being sick and celebrating my blogaversary. Now that I'm all jacked up on steriods I'll be visiting while your snoozing.
Oh no! Feel better. And when you do, please tell Harry Reid to shut the hell up.
Lisa, stopped rockin, eh? A woman can only sing so long before she needs to rest her pipes and go visiting. I saw your tweet.
Reid isn't a reliable enough Republican yet, however, and therefore he must try much harder to succeed in his goals...Perhaps taking up meth dealing and Hebephilia as hobbies, or making a tidy investment in some medical waste lab with a penchant for recycling their products into children's ice cream might aid in this.
Darkblack that might be the best comment of the past year. You have just summed up the republicans, the Mormons in general, and the Mormons in government wherever they mole their way in, and done it in one nicely put together sentence. Bravo!
Happy blogoversary and please be well.....
I'm not impressed with much of the so-called Democratic congressional leadership--and what concerns me the most about Obama's plans for reform is that he has to work with morons like this in getting them passed.
Comrade, your out and about. Glad you're feeling better. And I agree with you. we should be making a list of the ineffectual and out of touch and encourage them to shape up or ship out. We can be an activist citizenry again. We can do it if we give a shit.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
Totally agree with your assessment of Reid.
Reid tried to pressure Bloggie not to pick an African American before the scandal broke.
The unfortunate reality is that Reid is a Mormon, and Mormonism is an incredibly racist religion. Reid probably thinks he will go to hell if he doesn't do this.
Harry Reid is a Moran. Please correct your post header. Thanks.
And pass your illness on to Harry. Thanks again.
Oh, hell, I'm in good company. It's my third day fighting this bizzare flu. I hope all of you get better.
I'm double posting, but it's appropriate. Utah, if Reid became a moron, he'd improve.
Newsmax, a slightly leaning conservative blog report, posted a January 6th article entitled "Sen. Reid Caves, Democrats Put Off Plans to Seat Al Franken."
Is Reid a RINO. The article quotes McConnell, as follows: ""The race in Minnesota is not over," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said. "Under Minnesota law, an election certificate does not issue until litigation has been concluded. And it's my understanding that a lawsuit will be filed ... contesting certain aspects of the accounting."
Don't get me started on McConnell and Coleman.
It's over, Franken won. Damn, those conservatives are sore losers. With Franken in the Senate, and if Reid and Pelosi grew some kiwis, we could easily have close to a veto-proof majority.
Stella, how do we start a national movement to replace our "leadership" in Congress. Reid is a Mormon, and a moron and Pelosi is a short sighted ass. We should have impeached and charged the Bush Admin with war crimes. I'm so fed up with the Congressional clusterfuck.
was there ever a more prissy boy scout than Harry Reid? and he wasn't even shanghaied at birth into mormonism, he VOLUNTARILY decided to convert because they were nice to him! Why the senators would have renamed that worthless prick as the majority leader is beyond me.
Hope you are feeling better from whatever bug has got you down UT.
DK, I have to sit at my desk to visit. I'm supposed to be hanging out in bed--this really cuts into visiting time. Thanks for coming to see me.
As for Harry Milk-Toast Reid, knowing that he's a convert just makes me hate him more. Nice? That's his reason? Holy crap. That's one very needy guy.
I am hoping you are better friend...there is alot of crud going round...
Reid is a dipshit...period...
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