Note from Utah Savage--I was unable to link the weblog logo so linked the line I want you to vote for. Please support this fine writer. Without support from you and this generous, talented writer I'd still be writing in a vacuum, alone with my thoughts and thousands of words. Thank you for your support, Peggy
Diary of a Heretic is a finalist for Best Literature Blog. Voting is just a two-click process--no registration required. First click here, then click on the voting button for Diary of a Heretic. The polls are open through January 12. Please vote every day! And while you're at it, click here to vote for The View From Here as Best UK Blog. To read more about the contest and other notable entrants, click here.
Posted by Kathleen Maher on Jan 05, 2009 |
Peggy, Thank you!
Thanks Dusty. I really appreciate it.
Kathleen, you're welcome, my pleasure.
Went and voted. How's your day? I'm hoping the new storm coming will only bring rain and no more snow for awhile.
No problem...done deal.
Thank you guys, you're making me cry. She's such a wonderful writer and friend. And she was in second place last time I looked. Please vote every day. Thank you and I owe your a favor.
Saoirse, I've been having ice dams slide off the house and crash to the ground and deck. I jump straight up like a startled cat, scaring my dog. But I think we will avoid storms for a few days.
Did it. Of course I expect to be appointed to a cabinet position or a nice ambassadorship to a beautiful Caribbean island. What a minute....I'm think about Blago, never mind.
Ooops, Neil Gaiman's on the list. This could be very difficult for her since he's so well known. I voted for her as you asked and will keep my fingers crossed.
Kathleen, I'll vote often. Good luck!
I voted and will again tomorrow.
Done! Because I do what you tell me to. And because I trust your judgment. Kathleen is excellent!
Thank you so much. Loyalty is so generous.
I don't know this blog. I will definitely pop on over and visit. I feel an obligation to be an informed voter and delighted to discover a blog that has so inspired you.;-)
Very nice of you, Utah, to campaign on behalf of your friend. I am sure she is touched by your support and enthusiasm.
La Balette Rouge, I'm so happy to see you here. Thank you for the visit. I hope you come back.
I'm trying to get my novel "Maggy" ready to submit for a contest, so I'm a bit inattentive at the moment.
I loved your site and will be back often. Love the post I saw. Thought the insight was perfectly wonderful.
Utah: See, I am back already and I most certainly will be back again. :-)
Good luck with your novel. I look forward to hearing more about it.
Thank you so much for your kind compliments. I was delighted to see you on my blog and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
i live to obey!
My vote is cast
I voted for her! And please try to vote for Driftglass, details at my blog!
I can vote again tomorrow and will do so.
Pidomon, I live for a man who obeys. Are you single?
Fran, thank you. I'll be right over. Blessings. How is Gracie?
I voted, honey. How are you feeling today?
Better Katie, you're so sweet to ask. And thank you for voting.
Tried but I can't get through! sorry. I just get a blank page and I suspect it's because it's so busy. I did get to see Kathleen's blog and some of her fellow nominees..doesn't that make 'one' feel humble or what??? Naturally, Jon Swift has been one of my favourites for a few years now..gladly he never went into retirement as he had hoped but then, how could last year's election drama have kept anyone away??
Anyhow, all the best to Kathleen and Utah, I still haven't had my 'time' to do the compare books link you sent me..I did recognize naomi klein's book. I even checked it out briefly..crap. It's not good for one's health but of course, reading it while the neocons were in power made it an even scarier read..
I'll be busy this week but do come by, I have found the real angle behind this Israeli invasion..(Jim-average patriot probably has been onto it as well)
I'll be in touch and/or around..
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