I don't ever remember looking forward to anything as much as the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Oh yeah, I have volunteered for other presidential nominees, but this is the first time in my long voting life I've given money on a regular basis, written a letter to my local newspaper (and had it published), walked my neighborhood offering lawn signs and made phone calls throughout the primary. By the time Barack Obama had clinched the nomination my block in Salt Lake City was called Block Obama--a sea of Obama lawn signs on both sides of the street.
My next door neighbor went to the convention. I'm afraid to ask her if she's going to the Inauguration, as I'll turn green with envy, but green is now going to be the fashionable color to wear so...
I've never longed for anything more that I have for this change in our zeitgeist. If we can elect a black president, we can do a great deal more than any of us ever imagined. Even in this time of the worst economy in our history, even in this time of war on two fronts and others threatening, we can reexamine our alliances and reorder our military priorities. And just maybe we can broker peace in the Middle East.
It will take a mighty effort on all our parts to make this happen. Young people will need to really get involved in a big way to make the change possible, but their participation in this past election is a very good sign that they know much will be expected of them. But young and old will need to pull together to turn this ship of state around. And there are obstructionist forces aligned against us in this effort. Nothing short of conversion is going to be needed to convince the right wing religious fundamentalists to join forces with us to make this a country that respects the rights of all.
It will be complicated and challenging to restore our civil rights. But if all of us work together, even when we don't agree on every little detail of what needs changing, maybe we can right the wrongs of the past eight years.
So I am starting the new year in optimism. Call me crazy. You won't be the first. But I am still hopeful.
Hi Utah
We finally have something to look forward to! a president that can think and talk Obama has been set up for failure with the rapid bankrupting of America and Bush's instigation for war around the world.
It is no coincidence that Israel is going after Gaza at this time. They will not stop until Iran and Syria are openly involved then us and Russia!
If anyone can handle the growing situations here, in the middle east, and around the world it is Obama and the teaqm he has picked! Happy New Year and good luck to us!
Yes, James, we will need a lot of help. I hope we're up to it.
You are so right, Utah. We will all have to do our part. It's not just going to happen like magic.
Hi honey, where's my pie?
Crazy kid.
That's an eloquent post, Utah. I agree completely. We all have to pull together, but a little magic wouldn't hurt...
I am so looking forward to the swearing in of Obama and taking out the trash of Bush and company, hopefully in handcuffs. I am full of optimism and hope. It will be an interesting year to come, for sure.
People are putting too much hope in a man that will be unable to fix much of anything because they can't see what the real problems are.
I hope that history is kind to him though. Actually, I'm looking forward to this country failing, it can't be fixed until it does.
Not that I expect you to understand that. :-)
Utah, you nailed it. People who think we have all our hope in a man are so wrong. It's his ability to motivate and bring people together that will finally "fix" this country. (Um, some negative commenters can not be fixed, but they're irrelevant.)
So much hope and expectation placed on this man's shoulders.... But, I'll be crazy with ya....it may be the only way to make it, in this crazy mixed up world.... HAPPY new year!!!!
We all start off at this time hoping the new year will be better than the last. After Jan. 20 it will be. This country will not be on the road to recovery until aWol&Co. are arrested, tried, convicted and sent to prison for a long time. I don't see that happening anytime in the near future, in fact I don't see it happening in my lifetime. It's all a game and the rules are that those who try to destroy the country will never get punished.
the wonderful thing to me is when you talk to people, they all have such confidence and hope...I know I'll cry like a baby when they swear him in..
Me too, I'll probably sob all day. I sobbed the day he got the nomination, and the day he won the election. So yes, I'll be a sobbing fool.
Psychosis is not comprehensible, BBC.
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