This is not a film full of fabulous shots of Kate Winslet's glorious backside. We never see her completely naked, or if we do, it is so unimportant that I can't remember it. It is not an erotic film. It is not a film about the Holocaust. But is it one of the most interestingly complex films about the things we will do rather than expose that one small thing we are most ashamed of. It feels like a dream.

I can't remember the character's names, but I will never forget the truth told in this film. And of course I can't tell you the secret at the heart of this film since that would ruin it for you. I've seen movies this year that left me sobbing. Revolutionary Road (another Winslet masterpiece) was one of those films, and another Winslet performance worthy of a Best Actress award. I staggered out of Revolutionary Road sobbing. But I came home from The Reader mulling it over, knowing the interior truth of this film in a way that feels buried in the bone.
There is no glamour in this film. There are so many small moments of perfection that I think I would need to see it over and over to catch them all. There is not one false detail. But there are many small mysteries and one overarching truth--that we each might have a secret shame to keep no matter what the cost.
I totally agree with your last line Utah - it hit hard. eesh!
Love Gail
I was reminded of years ago when we rented 'Sophie's Choice'. We carried our heavy television upstairs so we could watch it in a place where our son wouldn't hear it. There are things people do that are impossible to think about at a rational level.
I'm glad you see that Gail.
Nice new photo.
Hi Susan, yes, and it is often the most mundane of things in the most extraordinary of circumstances.
No naked Kate? Well hell, why waste a perfectly good eight bucks then.
I don't have a secret shame for I am pure as the driven snow.
Randal you're so kind not to point out to me that I have misspelled the star's name in the first sentence. Jesus, someone stop me!
I agree completly! What we really need is a movie about the Holocaust that is full of fabulous shots of Kate Winslet's glorious backside. And a chariot race!
OMG... LOL@ Dr.Zaius.
Well babe. You may not be a movie reviewer but you just gave a pretty awesome review of this movie. It told me a lot. I can't wait to see it!
I second what Randal and Zaius wrote. No naked butts, no eight bucks.
Oh you boys!!!!!! One track mind....!! ;-D
Great review Utah!
I thought Kate was fab despite no naked butt...
HI, Utah,
Its been so long. I am so sorry to hear you are so sick. I hope you get better soon.
The Reader was lovely because of its complexity. And, I was drawn to it as Winslet's film. No matter if the bookends belonged to the READER, it was Hannah's story.
It also said quite a bit about the revenge and retribution men seek when they feel scorned.
The Reader was on my list of top ten this year. Check it out if you feel like perusing.
Take care,
K, I think of you every time I try to review a movie. It's not my think, but this was one I felt very close to. I understand the kind of secrets a woman will keep to try to protect her most vulnerable spot.
I can no longer sit through a movie in a theatre, Utah. But I will put this on my DVD list!
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