This from the Washington Post:
Michael S. Steele, the newly elected chairman of the Republican National Committee, arranged for his 2006 Senate campaign to pay a defunct company run by his sister for services that were never performed, his finance chairman from that campaign has told federal prosecutors.
Federal agents in recent days contacted Steele's sister, a spokesman for Steele said yesterday.
The claim about the payment, one of several allegations by Alan B. Fabian, is outlined in a confidential court document. Fabian offered the information last March as he was seeking leniency for himself during plea negotiations on unrelated fraud charges. It is unclear how extensively his claims have been pursued. Prosecutors gave him no credit for cooperation when he was sentenced in October.
Fabian's claims emerge as Steele begins his new role at the RNC, where he oversees the raising and spending of hundreds of millions of dollars in party money. The former Maryland lieutenant governor has faced questions about his handling of campaign money in prior elections and was twice fined for missing filing deadlines.Reported by Washington post staff reporter Henri E. Cauvin
Holy crap -- I hadn't heard that.
I wonder if he's paid his taxes!
Probably not. Republicans don't believe they should be taxed at all.
you might find crooked Democrats.... a case of crooked politicians.
if you find a crooked Republican, it is just a politician following his/her Party's political and economic philosophy.
I would ask what is it with these people? Instead, I ask what is it with us? Why do we vote these kind of ethically challenged people in?
I'm sure there's an Oreo cookie joke in there somewhere, but I'm too tired to dig it up.
Actually, I'm simply mad that my main Buckeye man Ken Doll didn't get it. Once again whitey keeps the black man down.
And I also read that Steele wants to fire the entire RNC staff and "rebuild." Scary thought. I wonder if it is possible to have a repuke breakdown...they are driving me to the brink!
off topic off topic..I finally joined the geek of the geeks and am on Twitter as you noticed..now I'm trying to figure out how to add this sidebar thingy you have..it's not quite clear on Twitter which application that is (when you click on something for more info, it just gives you a dry list of info not a visual..well, dang it..shouldn't I just have twittered you on that?? What a twit! sigh..I've been mucho busy and my brain is behaving accordingly..
tah luv'..enlighten me if you can..
I’m with Ghost Dansing. Misappropriating and mishandling funds merely proves to Republicans that you’re one of them.
Whew, I guess I have this working again.REPUBLICANS SUCK!
I'm so itching for a fight. Repubs seem to think bipartisan means my way or the highway. That is kind of white male supremicist, god the father, man rules the family type thinking that sees no need to ever compromise. So fuck them all. We have a majority. Let's use it. Make them actually filibuster. Give them the opportunity to make asses of them selves bloviating on the history of the Depression, and how tax breaks for the rich worked for them, it must be what will work for only those rich enough to actually pay more than just payroll taxes. They are such pigs. Let us, and their constituents, get a real gut full of the time wasting, grandstand assholery they are so wanting. Let the have their moment of infamy.
MrMacrum Do not tar me with that brush--I do not vote them in, but I am governed by them and the Mormon Church. I have no say in the matter. Same thing with the states that still want to fly the rebel flag and put the 10 commandments in the statehouse. Where ever fundies flourish you will have this kind of shit.
Hi Wee Mousie! So glad to see you here. Love your blog. Glad you joined us.
Amos, Man, when are you going to get your blog up and actually posting so I can come comment. I guess I could come over and harass you in your comments section. But no one likes a nag. I am glad you got your google problems worked out, now start writing. And don't you dare post that great you tube piece you sent me in an email. I have it lined up and ready to go.
Republicans acting unethically?
What a world, what a world.
It's beginning to appear that the GOP has become a nature preserve for moral defectives, closeted perverts and fascist idolaters, and it is my fervent hope that their diseased touch has not permanently corroded the integrity of America and its institutions.
I will no longer deign to darken its door if this is so.
darkblack, you are not the only one talking about the expat route. We need to agree on a place and all go together. We will then have friends and family close by. Part of the pain of relocating is having to leave your friends behind.
The fucktardery continues even without BushCo at the helm. It's a party trait.
Utah, maybe his corruption would have offset his blackness to make him suitable for RNC!
Why am I reminded of the same Gopper policies that put the Killa from Wasilla as the Veep nominee? Did the GOP choose Killa for her intelligence or her gender? Did the GOP choose Steele for his brilliance or his ethnicity?
Damn wingnuts.
From what I can gather, it doesn't sound like the "Dems" like paying taxes much, either.
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