Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rush The Ruler of the Gopers

Rush grows ever more grotesque. He has always been repulsive to me, but now he's turning into an enourmous boar, sweating and grunting, begging for adulation, claiming to be the new face of the Republican Party. I'm wondering how Mitch, "turtle man" McConnell feels about this? Is that a peace sign Mitch?

If you didn't watch DL Hughley's new news show on CNN Saturday night, you missed Steele calling Rush an "entertainer and inflammatory and ugly." Even Steele had to apologize to the bloated, sweating, hideous face of the Goopers, but so far there isn't a Republican with the balls to say, "Rush doesn't speak for me."

And from Susan via Alter Net we have:


susan said...

You might like this to go with that. There's nothing like a good laugh at any time of day.

Ghost Dansing said...

i always knew Rush was the head of the Republican Party...... here is another interesting phenomenon.... link

of course it is not a new phenomenon......

Utah Savage said...

Ghost you have just given me my next post. Thanks honey.

Commander Zaius said...

The African-Americans I work around, and about the only Democrats, are either laughing at Steele or want to puke for him "pulling an Uncle Tom".
So much for a more inclusive, "big tent" republican party.

Utah Savage said...

Beach glad to see you. It seems to me they ought to just put a crown on the fathead and call him King Rush.

lisahgolden said...

Shuster cracks me up as he tries to get Republicans on record saying that Rush is wrong to say he wants Obama to fail.

Utah Savage said...

Lisa, are you talking about my twitter buddy David Shuster? I'm cheering him on for his Hypocrisy Watch segment.

enigma4ever said...

this whole thing is like some kind of White Trash Klan Kabuki theater...Rush playing the Screaming Diva and Steele her pathetic lover...crawling back to sooth her...

( and according to my friends at work..about Steele...he is not really black...period...)

Rush is scary....he rants and bounces as he foams like a rapid nazi dog...

Hugley got it SOOOOooo Right....

Utah Savage said...

Enigma, Hi! You watch Hughley too? I love his show. I tape it. It's about all I watch on CNN.

Suzi Riot said...

Grotesque and repulsive do not even begin to cover how absolutely, horrifically revolting he is. LOVE that Limbaugh the Hut pic, even though it makes me want to puke! ;)

Utah Savage said...

Suzi, Hi babe. You class the joint up. So glad your at my little scary republican shop of horrors.

I'm on a roll with this and you guys just keep dropping by and giving me material.

Randal Graves said...

How dare Bikini Princess Leia be defamed like that!

Dr. Zaius said...

Ha! The Bikini Princess Leia is awesome, as is the rest of the post! :o)