This is the chair, this
brown one
An antique office chair from my best Santa Barbara therapist's office when she remodeled.
No, it is not ergonomic.
It's magic and far better than merely
Ergonomic space age functionally
Modern and with no leather, no wood, no
Witness to my own disintegration and like a puzzle
She put me back together again with no king's horses, no king's men. On this chair I could take flight...
Can your chair do this?

I think it is fantastic that you have your favorite therapist's chair. I would love to have Igor's couch. It would be the perfect place to finish the book from. However, I could not do that on his couch.
No, my chair does not do that and I'm jealous of that pose.
Of course I thought of you when I wrote this. I should have called it "A Poem for La Ballette Rouge."
Lisa you appeared as if by magic just as I published my comment to LBR. I also thought of you when I worked on that pose. Glad you like it.
I have an antique barber's chair that is the most comfortable piece of furniture we own. It works well for romantic asignations between the wife and I, so I can totally understand the love of a fine, well crafted piece of furniture.
Doc, you so completely get it.
I am thrilled to have inspired this post. It is a great chair that I am sure has taken you to some wonderful and surprising places.
p.s. I feel sure that you and I are just two degrees of separation in our SB connections. Maybe some day we'll figure out how.
LBR, I'd fly to LA if I could ride up the coast highway with you. I know a short cut. I also know people but I am never comfortable asking anyone if I can camp out if I don't want to visit them. There are a couple of lovely downtown hotels. Probably pretty pricy, but I know or used to know Montecito hot spots like the back of my hand. I even know the staff at most of Santa Barbara's best restaurants. God I wish I could afford a little place on the Riviera overlooking the harbor. I used to live in Yankee Farm overlooking Hendrey's beach, my favorite SB beach.
Utah: Fly to LAX and I will drive us to SB. I usually go PCH as it is such a pretty drive but I am up for the fast way too. I usually stay in Carpinteria as the rates are better and I like the beach there. What fun it would be to do a road trip with you.
I don't know why I thought of this while looking at your therapist's chair but I thought of a btw question.
Utah, have you ever seen a psychiatrist or some other type of therapist who allowed you to smoke during a session?
I saw this Jewish, woman, Sydney psychiatrist in the 80s, while I was not much more than a boy; she let some of her clients smoke but I was not one of them.
In the 90s, I saw a psychiatrist who let me smoke; probably because she smoked herself; occasionally during a session she smoked herself.
The psychiatrist I've seen now since early 2007 is a former officer, army psychiatrist........and I would not be stupid enough to even dare ask him...........
Sorry to drift off the subject........but your therapist's chair bought back memories of different shrinks I've had to see since I was a boy.
It doesn't look all that comfortable. Good for the spine, though.
LBR, let's talk later and plan a trip.
Paul, In the good old days before everyone got so uptight about smoking I could smoke in my shrinks office. All that changed in the 80s. Boy what prigs we've become since then.
Randal, it's not really all that comfortable, but I can almost recline completely.
no, not my chair.
I want to go to there.
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