I have reposted this because... Well... Newt is a still a big fat doodoo head. At the time I first posted this, I was letting google ads, advertise on my blog, and every time I said something nasty about Newt, which was often, low and behold, there was Newt, hawking some shit of his on my site. It was almost enough to keep me using google ads, but not quite.
Thanks to The Lazy Iguana for this wonderful art work. Now I have photoshop envy.
So, just tell me Newt is not a Media Whore! Last time I posted a piece about Newt being a media whore, I got a google ad suggesting that you could get actual messages from Newt if you just push this button. Now I'm creeping myself out. But I needed the money. So I guess that makes me a whore too. And don't forget to check the sidebar. I do not agree with the statement that the NYTimes is a liberal newspaper. (I'm guessing google ads has not figured out that I'm a liberal). Newt is spreading the love, and probably herpes as well. So when you come a callin, bring a condom.
I have something for you.
At that link :)
I couldn't get that link to work. So I'm coming to your place.
OK attempt 2.
Works now :)
He is a big fat doodoo head...and unfortunately is from my State but we also have a bunch of other Republican doo doo heads here like our Governor Sonny Perdue
Thanks darling, as you can see I really needed that image.
Maybe next time I can just use photoshop to cut out Newt's eyes, hair, nose, and lips - then replace the whole entire head with shit. Then put the hair, nose, eyes, and lips back.
Oh if only I had the slightest idea how to photoshop. I have the program, but not the knowhow.
I'm so poor I can't pay attention, but i'd never go near that fucktard for any amount of money..ha
LOL - Nice photo - and sentiment!
he seems to think that converting to catholisism makes him god's right hand man. nope, just makes him a catolic doo doo head!
we had a lot of them when i was growing up and it seems to me they have more now!
Under exploited in the dictionary is a picture of Newt's Ex Wife.
Your big google ad was for a newt newsletter! LOL We poor folk are allowed to be whores, honey!
Not a huge fan of Mr. Gingrich, I'm gathering. LOL
That doo doo looks a little too much like a cinnabun. I think you have just cured me of ever wanting another one.
My favorite thing about Newt is......................................................
Okay, I've got nothing.
Why, oh why, must we be subjected to this man's voice and bullshit ideas like he's some great sage?
Lisa, we have to listen to Gingrich because, because ... because, who else do the Republicans have to stand up?
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