Monday, August 24, 2009

Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right

Found on twitter. I'm not kidding. Twitter is rich with insurrection.


Cirze said...

Thanks, Utah!

Had no idea Twitter would have this.


themom said...

AIN'T THAT THE TRUTH!!! No one would listen then...they are not listening now! How the hell are ya? I haven't abandoned you - there was so much to see to, getting thegrandson ready for school AND stuff! Hope you are behaving and Z is doing better.

Utah Savage said...

I ordered the Writer's Digest yesterday and I'm going to start sending out stories and poetry desperately trying to publish something this year. I'm editing the first of the book again.

Z is at her worst right now. Her immune system is shot, so she's had to move in with her brother and his wife--no kids. No one dares breath on her.

I think we dirty rotten hippies are going to have to rise again.

Mauigirl said...

Loved this. And yes, we must rise again - because no one is paying attention.

Sorry Z is going through such a hard time...hope she feels stronger soon.

jadedj said...

Get a haircut! Har. I want that car.

Utah Savage said...

Mauigirl, I ready to rise again, if someone else will do the driving.I'll let Z know that so many people are sending her good vibes. She is a believer. I'm a dirty old hippy atheist.

Jadedj. You'll have to arm wrestle me for that car. Or promise to take me to all the marches and demonstrations. We need to organize. We got a black president elected and then we got stoned. Now we need to get militant in our passion for justice and healthcare for all.

PENolan said...

This clip went around some months ago. Loved it then; love it now. As soon as we're done being militant, we can get stoned again.

Gail said...

Oh my Utah -

"Right on!!!! "Thank you", a million thank yous. This is so excellent.

Love Gail

Utah Savage said...

PEN, I'm always stoned, and even stoned I can barely keep my agitating soul under control. I'm so stoned I might have posted this in the past and forgotten about it. But I really really love it anyway.

Gail, Right On! is just right. Let's start making our signs and painting our cars. The march is on. I swear if those fuckers don't give us a public option there will be a march on Washington.

Commander Zaius said...

Damn, that was a great video. Wish I felt we could turn this around, but the rightwingers have gained the advantage.

If it wasn't for the children around the world I would hope the H1N1 virus would cull a few of the greedy bastards.

Utah Savage said...

Beach, maybe they'll get pissed of at each other at one of their astroturfed town hall meetings and shot it out. Showdown at the town hall. It's getting stranger and stranger.

The Peach Tart said...

I loved this. I sent the link to a few friends.

Here Be Monsters, again. said...

Dirty Fucking Hippies? Of course you have brought a smile on such a downer of a day... proud and loud! you are! and yes, twitter does reveal so much. Hope you don't mind me reposting onto FB? LOL

Dr. Zaius said...

I knew that mini skirts and go go boots would save the world!

You have been awarded the Honest Weblog Award! :o)

Randal Graves said...

C'mon, you all know the world doesn't want to be saved.