Wednesday, August 5, 2009

MoveOn: The Movie

This speaks for itself:

Thanks to The Vigil


jadedj said...

Yes inFuckingDeed. Where do I get it?

Steve said...

i'll be picking up that dvd for sure

Utah Savage said...

I gave money to three organizations and the Obama campaign during the presidential primary and election season: MoveOn, VoteVets and the ACLU. Those were small donations but I made them every month. I've been getting emailed updates from them ever since.

I am really committed to Obama's agenda. And I want us to take back our government from the lobbyists. If you saw the little animated movie that is the post before this one it gives us a blueprint. We are little mice and we need to get together and throw out the Fat Cats. I'm all in favor of that. New and old, all the Fat Cats need to be voted out of office in cities, counties, states and federal government. We need idealistic young people that understand how silly racism is and how ugly extremism and thuggery are. Like those tea baggers and birthers and deathers at fake demonstrations in town hall meetings where the citizens who want healthcare reform have come to talk with their elected representatives. Bussing in screaming wingnuts to disrupt and impede the civil discourse should be anticipated and confronted with peacekeepers like the local law enforcement officials. And MoveOn is an organization that can work to make sure the people who actually want to discuss healthcare will have a peaceful place to have that conversation. Gasp! What a rant. I'd like to see the cops do crowd control like the used to for peaceful demonstrations,to keep the peace and order in a respectful way.

Anonymous said...

I just love comparing the 'birthers' to a group like MoveOn--weak-assed tools of the right vs. a bunch of committed, money-raising, dervishes.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hooray!!! thanks.

Randal Graves said...

Oh, Kvatch, did you read those talking points off an official MoveOn memo? Where's is your tadpole certificate!

Vigilante said...

Thanks, Utah! Sweetie!