This is one more reason to tweet. I'm following Writer's Digest on twitter and woke up this morning (10 AM is still morning) to this email
notice. Get your stories out and start editing. I am not a genre writer but I think I have at least one story that can be considered horror or suspense. There is an entry fee of $15. but even I can afford $15.
I actually just processed the new issue of Writer's Digest within the last hour - don't tell anyone that I actually do work from time to time, though. Thanks.
Get An Agent is the cover and there's a piece about 24 agents looking for newbies to exploit.
You should copy that cover story and send it to your writer friends.
Your work secret's safe with me, at least for now. Hold out on me and I'm telling the world you work. I tweet it on twitter.
Hi Utah-
Thanks for this info - I am going to let my son know - he is sending his stories out and also trying to find an agent - so hopefully this will help. again, thanks. :-)
Love Gail
This is great! I've got to do a rewrite on one I just finished but it should not take too long.
One question, if sending the manuscript online do they want it in the body of the email or attached. I've got to get by daughter to bed right now and the rules were not clear, at least to me, on that issue.
Never mind, looked a little harder and found the answer. Got to get the baby to bed now.
Beach I'm so glad you're going to enter. You too Randal. The only thing better than me winning would be for all of us to win in different categories. I'm going for King creepy. I'm going to rewrite Body Warmth. I think I can make it a Horror story of sorts. I have never thought of myself as a genre writer, but this calls for a rethinking.
The only writer friends I have are you online knuckleheads. I have an idea, it's crap, but it's only 4000 words and I can churn out 4000 words of crap in two months no problem.
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