This morning I had a mammogram and a bone density test. I have no reason to suspect any problem, but this is part of the early warning system for a lot of women. If I still used the thing, I have my vagina looked into to too, but sadly, it no longer exists. It is true, if you don't use certain things they just close up shop, so to speak. Anyway, whether you use it or not, get your vagina checked out and you boobs squished and if you're old enough to be concerned about bone loss, or have had eating issues, get a bone density test. It's called preventative medicine. If your health insurance doesn't cover preventative tests, it's worthless.
I have medicare, so all this yearly checking, is part of how we keep healthcare costs down. Private insurance companies are all about making money on your healthcare. They know they're going to dump you when you get really really sick and finally need them, so why do preventative tests to catch costly illnesses early? You need to start thinking about this industry whose primary duty is to shareholders, so you can assess how good a job they do taking care of you. You need to examine the books. How much do they pay top executives? How do they come up with record profits year after year? How much do you pay them to deny coverage for your medical needs? Is it worth it?
Medicare does a very good job taking care of me. I've never had better healthcare coverage, and my last experience was with United HealthCare. I was paying them $1,000 a month so they could refuse to cover the specialists I needed to see to stay out of the hospital. Insurance companies don't like the sick.
Some Postprandial Stupid?
2 hours ago
Hiya Utah! I saw your comment at Maui's and stopped by to tell you I'm back online. Wow. I'm glad I'm a guy. I wouldn't want to have my boobs squished. :-(
Hiya TomCat. I'm so glad you're back. Do you tweet on twitter?
TomCat, men have quite complicated plumbing too. Some men get breast cancer and thing of all the moving parts of a penis. What about your prostate? How are your Seminal Vesicles. I capitalize that because if those puppies go south you'll be in a world of hurt. I know I was married to a man who had seminal vesicle problems. He was constantly in the hospital Men have a trickier relationship with their colons than women, statistically speaking. And men are touchy about their nether-regions. I've known a lot of men and they all had a horror of having their bummy holes looked at. Just saying.
Insurance companies consider "early detection" care a prerequisite necessary for the health and well-being of their profits when they deny care based on pre-existing conditions.
Government health care is wonderful. Even those idiots are on it along 46% of the country already. The insurance industry otherwise decides who lives and dies and who gets covered or capped and they want it to stay that way!
I got squished and scanned just the other day. Fortunately, my insurance covers that stuff.
I've already vented here in another post about United HealthCare, and I won't bore you again with that, but I must say, I came here to read about Boob Squishing and ended up worring about my Seminal Vesicles.
As a biomed tech I have worked on those booby squishing x-ray machines and figure a guy had to invent the things.
But Medicare is socialism!
Jeez, even your boobs are commies.
I really need to have these tests done..but of course, my insurance doesn't cover either. Last time I had my boobs squished - I was amazed that they could be stretched clear across the room. When done, I just threw them over my shoulder and headed home.
I have been visiting, but so many to read and my comments have been lacking - I apologize.
The "Past The Velvet Rope" blog is my son's second blog. It is truly great - I just promote it, as it is a weekly Friday blog. Check it out - he is hilarious (so much smarter than me!)
The imaging center I go to has a sign up:
We compress because we care.
Anyway they now have the latest greatest imaging gizmo & as a result less contortion.
Hooray! They say the clarity of the image is amazing.
My tits appreciate the technology!
I've been remiss in the hinterlands since a few years after the hysterectomy.
Jeez! Between the diabetes specialist, regular doctor, dentist, gynecologist, urologist & getting labwork, prescriptions & supplies, I feel like I should just quit my job & go to Doctors appointments as a career path.
Doh! Then I would not have health insurance to cover all this stuff.
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