Thursday, October 1, 2009

But My Mental Health is Great!

I had a mental health summit today on very short notice. When I get bad news and or the days are growing shorter, I call my therapist to schedule a check up , much like I take my car in for winterizing and a safety inspection. If you're bipolar and you don't have regular check ups you're crazy.

While I'm waiting for test results on medical stuff it seemed quite possible that I might get depressed and as winter comes on not be able to pull out of it. I didn't expect that my call Monday would be returned this fast and time made to see me. Usually you need to make your appointment with the psychiatrist a couple of months in advance. Not this time. She skipped lunch to meet with me. And I'm feeling pretty good that both my mental health experts think I'm peachy in the mental health department. I've been doing the happy dance. Don't worry, it's just the happy dance not the manic dance.


Mauigirl said...

Glad to hear the good news.I get SAD myself and I'm sure it will set in once I can't gop to the cabin for the weekend anymore!

BBC said...

I call my therapist to schedule a check up ,

Ha, ha, ha, hell, I dumped her when she wanted to have sex with me.

darkblack said...

Psst, Utah - Want a job?


Laura said...

Glad to hear that you're doing OK in that department. ;D

Randal Graves said...

Have you thought about putting a green filter on your windows so the snow looks like grass?

La Belette Rouge said...

I am dancing with you.xoxo

Life As I Know It Now said...

Can you get Medicare to buy you a sunlight if the doctor proscribes it. I always feel lower in the winter too. I'm a hothouse flower that needs warmth and sun to thrive.